Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Ethical Codes Of Ethics And Ethics - 2307 Words
Introduction Humans has been discussing and thinking of the complex theories of ethics and how they relate to mankind for centuries. The history of human ethical philosophy is far greater and more complex than this paper can ever truly attempt to define or explain. Great philosophers like Aristotle, Machiavelli, Kant and Mills have already taken on the aforementioned task. This paper is not an attempt to replicate their work or explain their work, instead this paper will look to take the theories they have presented along with the writings presented throughout the entirety of this course and discuss the risks associated with the creation and implementation of organizational codes of ethics without factoring in the needs of humanity, then create a personal code of ethics. Why Codes of Ethics When examining codes of ethics within and organization we might ask ourselves, why are organizational codes of ethics important? The answer can vary depending on the type of organization, for instance the code of ethics in a governmental organization should tell us how the public interest is to be furthered, while in a nonprofit agency the code may be more of a values statement for the organization. The ethics of public administrators begins and is grounded in duty. As public administrators they must serve the public, fulfill the expectations of public office, and be trustees of public resources (Svara, 2015). There is a multifaceted purpose to codes of ethics. First codes of ethics canShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics Of An Ethical Code1367 Words  | 6 PagesAn ethical code is a set of morals that a person or group determines to assist their own selves when it comes to decision-making. An ethical code is something that is pretty stable and should not vary based on the context of the si tuation. Some people form ethical codes that they follow on a micro level, such as only buying American made products from the grocery store, or they could be on a grander scale, such as how a CEO would lead a company. Most successful marketers have a similar ethical codeRead MoreThe Ethical Code Of Ethics4083 Words  | 17 PagesINTRODUCTION This essay will discuss the ethical code that has major influence on audit failure and what scholars are saying towards auditor’s credibility and auditor’s code of ethics because when a company goes bankrupt the auditor’s independence is questioned and shaken (Moore et al 2006). It will also show what legislative body governing auditors are doing because users of financial statement are searching for auditors whose obligations covers: report of correct records, assurance that the financialRead MoreThe Ethical Code Of Ethics4083 Words  | 17 PagesINTRODUCTION This essay will discuss the ethical code that has major influence on audit failure and what scholars are saying towards auditor’s credibility and auditor’s code of ethics because when a company goes bankrupt the auditor’s independence is questioned and shaken (Moore et al 2006). It will also show what legislative body governing auditors are doing because users of financial statement are searching for auditors whose obligations covers: report of correct records, assurance that the financialRead MoreThe Ethical Implications Of A Code Of Ethics1755 Words  | 8 Pageswhere they question the ethical implications associated with decisions they or their colleagues make. These scenarios that occur from day to day can result in reduced productivity, employee turnover and mistrust in the work environment. An employee at any level within an organization should be expected to follow a well-defined, structured Code of Ethics outlining the organizations expectations. There was a period prior to well documented and publicized corporate ethics scandals that organizationsRead MoreThe Code Of Ethics And Its Ethical Standards Essay1311 Words  | 6 PagesThe formal definition of ethics is as follows, moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity or alternatively the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. (Ethics definition: dictionary.com, 2014) The Code and Standards where first created in the 1960s and have been updated regularly since then. The Code of Ethics is an ethical benchmark for investment professionals around the world. The standards have generally been adopted regardless of job functionRead MoreEthical Issues And Codes Of Ethics1891 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction The National Association of Social Workers has a Code of Ethics that every social worker should keep in mind when working with clients. The Code of Ethics is a set of written principles that discuss important conduct and behavior that is created by the organization to serve as a guide for the social work profession. The purpose of the Code of Ethics is to allow those in the profession to conduct themselves ethically and to engage in ethical decision making. Behaving ethically can be a struggleRead MoreCode Of Ethics And Ethical Guidelines1547 Words  | 7 PagesCode of Ethics and Ethical Guidelines There are many ethical codes and guidelines a supervisor should follow. One of the most important ethical codes refers to competency. The American Counseling Association (2014) and the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) (2011) both reiterate the importance of competency professionally as a counselor and supervisor. Counselors are only to practice within their scope of competence. This is based on the counselor’s education, training, experienceRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemma With The Code Of Ethic1352 Words  | 6 Pagesin an ethical dilemma. However, when a situation such as accepting gift from client can turn into something different. When it comes time to terminate a client some client’s may feel a sense of generosity or appreciation for the therapist work. At this point and time, some clients, may show their appreciation towards their therapist with a gift. Some may said that this is something that is completely harmless and that there is no need to be concern. However, many do not understand the ethical dilemmaRead MoreThe Ethical Codes Of Human Research Ethics1035 Words  | 5 Pagesof Psychology as a science was the implementation of ethical codes of conduct in regards to both humans and animals. Milgram’s (1963) obedience experiment prompted various issues related to human research ethics. In Milgram’s initial experiment, participants were asked to electric shock others in order to test their level of obedience to an authority figure. According to the British Psychological Society (BPS) Code of Human Research Ethics (2010), Milgram put the studies participants at more thanRead MoreEthical Codes Across Cultures : Ethics774 Words  | 4 PagesEthical Codes Across Cultures According to Abiodun and Oyeniyi (2010), ethics addresses issues of good and bad and with moral issues and duties. Ethics sets rules of conduct in place in the hopes of providing guidelines for human behaviors focused on the preservation of a society. In the United States, National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) has put instruction or guides specific to restriction for legislators in relation to restrictions on gifts from lobbyists to legislators. Some states
Monday, December 23, 2019
Alienation of Araby Essay - 1884 Words
Alienation of Araby Although Araby is a fairly short story, author James Joyce does a remarkable job of discussing some very deep issues within it. On the surface it appears to be a story of a boys trip to the market to get a gift for the girl he has a crush on. Yet deeper down it is about a lonely boy who makes a pilgrimage to an eastern-styled bazaar in hopes that it will somehow alleviate his miserable life. James Joyces uses the boy in Araby to expose a story of isolation and lack of control. These themes of alienation and control are ultimately linked because it will be seen that the source of the boys emotional distance is his lack of control over his life. The story begins as the boy describes his neighborhood.†¦show more content†¦At night in my bedroom and buy day in the classroom, her image came between me and the page I strove to readÂ… I had hardly any patience with the serious work of life which, now that it stood between me and my desire, seemed to me childs play, ugly mon otonous childs play (Norton Anthology 2238). To make things worse, he can not possibly expect to have any control over the girls feelings. As it is, he can barely speak to the girl, and when she finally does talk to him he is overcome with confusion. He is so desperate for recognition and care, that when he concludes that Mangans sister is a potential source, he becomes fixated with her to the point of alienating himself from everything else in his life. Throughout the story virtually all adults ignore the boy. Even his uncle rarely pays any attention to him. And when he does, it seems that it is only to bore him or recite tired sayings like All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. This is an endless source of frustration for the boy because his uncle has the greatest control over his life. Going to the Araby is of supreme importance to the boy, and while he petitions this to his uncle at least four times, each time his uncle forgets. The boy cannot resist feeling helples s; he has put all of his hopesShow MoreRelated Themes of Alienation and Control in James Joyces Araby Essay examples1849 Words  | 8 Pages Alienation of â€Å"Araby†Although â€Å"Araby†is a fairly short story, author James Joyce does a remarkable job of discussing some very deep issues within it. On the surface it appears to be a story of a boys trip to the market to get a gift for the girl he has a crush on. Yet deeper down it is about a lonely boy who makes a pilgrimage to an eastern-styled bazaar in hopes that it will somehow alleviate his miserable life. James Joyce’s uses the boy in â€Å"Araby†to expose a story of isolation andRead MoreModernism - Araby and the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Essay1382 Words  | 6 Pageswidespread disillusionment in society that resulted from contextual events. This allowed an altered view of the world as fractured and chaotic, especially due to paralysis and alienation in modern society. This newly perceived reality is reflected through techniques of fragmentation in modernist works such as James Joyce’s short story â€Å"Araby†and T.S. Eliot’s poem à ¢â‚¬Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, fundamental and far-reaching changes in society often made individualsRead MoreThemes in James Joyces Araby Essay667 Words  | 3 Pages In the story of, Araby James Joyce concentrated on three main themes that will explain the purpose of the narrative. The story unfolded on North Richmond Street, which is a street composed of two rows of houses, in a desolated neighborhood. Despite the dreary surroundings of dark muddy lanes and ash pits the boy tried to find evidence of love and beauty in his surroundings. Throughout the story, the boy went through a variety of changes that will pose as different themes of the story includingRead MoreImagery in James Joyce Araby784 Words  | 4 PagesIn Araby by James Joyce, the narrator uses vivid imagery in order to express feelings and situations. The story evolves around a boys adoration of a girl he refers to as Mangans sister and his promise to her that he shall buy her a present if he goes to the Araby bazaar. Joyce uses visual images of darkness and light as well as the exotic in order to suggest how the boy narrator attempts to achieve the inaccessible. Accordingly, Joyce is expressing the theme of the boys exaggerated desire throughRead MoreAraby-Postcolonial Interpretation Essay examples1504 Words  | 7 PagesARABY-POSTCOLONIAL INTERPRETATION In the short story of Araby, James Joyce attemps to expose many ideas and themes that places the setting of Araby in a postcolonial era. The narator describes the setting of NORTH RICHMOND STREET AS A BLIND, QUIET STREET, HAVING HOUSES WITH INPERTURBABLE FACES, This dull and dark description of the enviroment goes on throughout the story connecting this sombre setting Dublin with the mondane activities of the people. eg. (people doing their jobs, goingRead MoreEssay on James Joyces Araby - Setting in Araby1597 Words  | 7 PagesSetting in James Joyces Araby  In the opening paragraphs of James Joyces short story, Araby, the setting takes center stage to the narrator. Joyce tends carefully to the exquisite detail of personifying his setting, so that the narrators emotions may be enhanced. To create a genuine sense of mood, and reality, Joyce uses many techniques such as first person narration, style of prose, imagery, and most of all setting. The setting of a short story is vital to the development of characterRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Stone Boy 1954 Words  | 8 Pagesthe realization that nobody’s going to take care of you.†This statement caused me to cogitate the potential aspects that cause one s shift from childhood into adulthood.Within the four short stories â€Å"Initiation†( Plath, Sylvia.) by Sylvia Plath, â€Å"Araby†(Joyce, James.) by James Joyce, â€Å" Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been†(Oates, Carol Joyce.) by Joyce Carol Oates, and â€Å"The Stone boy†(Berriault, Gina.) by Gina Berriault, each of the authors conveyed the theme of coming of age to shed lightRead MoreJames Joyce and the Dead Essay897 Words  | 4 Pageswriting short stories that engraved, with extraordinary clarity, aspects of Dublin life. These stories were published a part of the Dubliners in 1914. Fifteen stories of his filled the pages within Dubliners the stories are: The Sisters, An Encounter, Araby, Eveline, After the Race, Two Gallants, The boarding house, A little cloud, Counterparts, clay, A painful case, Ivy day in the Committee room, A mother, Grace and The Dead. He then went onto write the following novels: A Portrait of the Artist as aRead MoreEssay on James Joyces Araby3507 Words  | 15 PagesJames Joyces Araby I doubt there are book logs that commence with a note directing a reader, specifically you, even though I get the impression from Mr. Little to whom riding between pairs of glasses suggesting that in order to gather a bounty against my beloved head I must be obliged to fathoming on how to receive topic sentences with cradling arms and craters of dimples (have to love formalities, even of those lolling head-stumps, after all, it keeps NATO all triteRead More James Joyces Ulysses - Balancing Information in Ithaca Essay3248 Words  | 13 Pagesinformation offered in Ithaca resolves these questions. We realize how separated the married couple are as they sleep with their heads at opposite ends of the bed. No other episode would expose the tremendous extent of Bloom and Mollys sexual alienation by supplying us with a 10 years and five months figure. By offering such information, Joyce both prepares us for the sexual assault of Penelope and creates the space for some concrete conclusions about their relationship to be made. The narrative
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Dow Rohm and Haas Free Essays
DOW chemical company The year 2009 was the most active an challenging year for Dow in its whole history. It was the turning point for the transformation to the†leading global specialty chemical and advanced materials Company†. On April 1 2009 DOW finally completed the acquisition of specialty chemicals maker Rohm and Haas after eight months â€Å"fight†. We will write a custom essay sample on Dow Rohm and Haas or any similar topic only for you Order Now On July 10 2008 DOW pronounced to pay $78 per share to buy Rohm and Haas (current stock price on 9 July, $44, 83) because they expected more than $7 billion in pretax process from the joint venture, K-DOW, with a state owned Kuwait company. Due to the global financial crisis, the decrease of the oil prices and the governmental rating for the deal as â€Å"too risky†the Kuwait Company withdraw their $17. 4 billion offer in December 2008. Dow was now unwilling to pay the $15. 3 billion for Rohm and Haas and consequently tried to delay the process. With this situation, the dilemma of DOW was perfect, a global economic meltdown and a promise which DOW was not able to finish because of a deal break. The whole economy changed after the pronouncement in July that the second largest chemical company would like to by Rohm and Haas. Stock prices of chemical companies increased immense and the shareholder of Rohm and Haas expect a large profit from their shares especially in the ongoing global downturn, pressing the stock values to the bare bone. Rohm and Haas forced DOW to finish the promised acquisition but DOW never got a specific plan how to handle this complex and significantly changed situation. Just an email from the chairman of DOW explained that it would be better to wait till June 2009 in order to finish the deal. After they heard that Dow invested in different other projects it was simply too much for Rohm and Haas, as they could not understand why other deals were made but the acquisition was still delayed, so they started a litigation to enforce the merger. Rohm and Haas and DOW conducted several meeting to find a way to resolve the situation, but without any success and to the great disappointment of Rohm and Haas as their expectations were not met at all. Analysts said: â€Å"It was a â€Å"CLASH OF TITANS††. Finance Projects Clinical Research Case- DOW Chemical Company Silke Rahden In terms of the second half of 2008 and beginning of 2009 we notice a dramatically decrease of the DOW stock price. Well, it is in the middle of the financial crisis in the USA but the more important â€Å"deal†which caused the decline was the acquisition of Rohm and Haas, pronounced in July 2008 and finally finished in April 2009. During this time the stock prices slide into free fall/ drop to the pits from $32,52 (July 2008) to $8,81 (April 2009). The absolutely low point was on 30 March 2009 with $8. 30 per share. The main reason for the â€Å"death†point, in addition to the financial crisis, was the finish of the acquisition of Rohm and Haas after eight months up and downs. Income Statement: Finance Projects Clinical Research Case- DOW Chemical Company Silke Rahden References: http://finance. yahoo. com/q/is? s=DOW+Income+Statementannual http://phx. corporate-ir. net/phoenix. zhtml? c=80099p=irolstockcalculatort=Calccontrol_type=256control_ http://crisisexperts. blogspot. com/2009/02/dowrohm-and-haas-acquisition-crisis. html Finance Projects Clinical Research Case- DOW Chemical Company Silke Rahden How to cite Dow Rohm and Haas, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Emily Dickinson Presents Suffering free essay sample
After great pain a formal feeling comes’ and ‘I felt a funeral in my brain’ and ‘There’s a certain slant of light’- Throughout Dickinson’s poem ‘After great pain a formal feeling comes’ she attempts to communicate to the reader the nature of the suffering she is encountering that comes ‘after great pain’. This first line is the only abstract statement throughout the poem, to express that this is obviously not a physical pain. She refers to the physical nerves in her body ‘sit ceremonious like tombs’ a comparison that symbolises the effects of this suffering, a tomb being associated with qualities related to the dead. These qualities are stillness and formality, which reflect the physical numbness she is experiencing as a consequence. This sense of numbness is confirmed throughout the poem when mechanical feet are described abstractly walking in a ‘wooden way’ to reflect that they now have no regard for where they land, while indicating that this path they take is conceptual as it is physical. This comparison between the physical and mental components of suffering is intertwined within Dickinson’s poem ‘I felt a funeral in my brain’ when her dramatization of mental anguish, leads to a metaphorical drop. This results in the narrator’s physical form ‘finished knowing’ and sinking into a protective numbness. This concept is also explored within ‘Theres a certain slant of slight’ which Dickenson used as a metaphor for tuberculosis, in a time in her life when many of the people surrounding her fell victim to the disease, meaning without todays knowledge of germ theory, it would result in death. Dickenson throughout the poem moves from descriptions of ‘cathedral tunes’ to ‘internal difference’ to form a contrast between the external and internal elements surrounding life. This is also to reflect the nature of the illness tuberculosis, in which there were no physical signs of pain but instead metaphorical scarring that changed the victim completely ‘internally’. Dickenson also explores the theme of suffering as being a complete state of mind throughout ‘After great pain a formal feeling comes’ a poem centred on the feelings within, while lacking persona or ritual seen in her other poems. She reflects this through her personification of various parts of the body such as the ‘nerves’ ‘heart’ and ‘feet’ a generalisation that allows the reader to assume this pain has to be internal and beyond her physical form. This theme is also within ‘I felt a funeral in my brain’ when Dickenson describes a ‘service and a ‘box’ to vaguely relate this pain to the actions performed at a funeral. However Dickenson uses the metaphor ‘creak across my soul’ which is not typically associated with this ceremony to reflect the internal trance like state the narrator has entered as a result of this pain. This then causes her to enter a place of ‘wrecked, solitary’ when a ‘plank in reason, broke’ which forces the narrator to become a lifeless form, incapable of perceiving the external factors surrounding her. Dickinson also presents the speaker being an object within ‘I Felt a funeral in my brain’ while portraying her as submissive to this form of suffering. This is evident when she recalls ‘then I heard them life a box, And creak across my soul’ to indicate a lack of control those surrounding the dying face when entering the numerous stages of suffering once the loved one has passed. This theme is also explored within ‘Theres a certain slant of light’ when Dickinson describes a ‘Heavenly hurt it gives us’ to suggest this affliction is in the form of a religious experience, that is being forced onto the narrator. This reflects Dickinson’s confusion over her transcendentalist views through her use of the word ‘light’ as a metaphor for tuberculosis, while appearing to blame God for this forceful suffering. In Dickinson’s poem ‘I felt a funeral in my brain’ the whole psychological drama is reflected in the form of a funeral service, however the cause of this intense suffering is never revealed throughout any of her poems. In the fourth stanza of this poem the phrase ‘breaking through’ is used to display mental phenomena, which usually refers to something becoming clear or the narrator may be gaining insight that was hidden to her in the past, which is the outcome of this suffering. The use of repetition when describing the ‘treading, treading’ of the mourners reinforces this idea, becoming a reflection of the self-turmoil the narrator experienced before reaching this understanding. However the coffin like ‘box’ described by Dickenson symbolises the death of rationality and the narrator entering a state close to madness. This loss of self typically comes when ones relationship with people and nature becomes broken, which could be the cause of Dickinson’s personal suffering. The poems regular rhythm and iambic meter being opposed by words such as ‘beating- beating’ also reinforce this idea, adding a rocking quality that could reflect the instability of the narrator’s sanity. Throughout Dickinson’s poem ‘A certain slant of light’ she also fails to reveal the cause of this suffering consuming her, however she displays the main characteristic of this pain as being oppressive. Her use of words throughout such as ‘oppresses’ ‘weight’ and ‘hurt’ all display this aspect, while her description of the ‘weight of the cathedral tunes’ reflect that her state of mind is causing her to interpret even her external surroundings as oppressive. This communicates to the reader the possibility that this suffering may be Dickinson’s personal response to the realisation into the fact of death. This idea is reinforced in stanza four when she describes ‘Shadows hold their breath’ which is suggestive of the stillness associated with death, in a time when Dickinson’s life was centred on the threat of disease caused by the Tuberculosis epidemic that spread throughout Europe.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Lincoln Essays - Illinois, United States, Bleeding Kansas
Lincoln Abraham Lincoln, Honest Abe, is one of the greatest American Presidents. He is known today for his Presidency in which he fought the Confederacy during the Civil War and abolished slavery with the Emancipation Proclamation and later the Thirteenth Amendment. He was an intelligent, honest, and just leader who governed at a critical time in American history. PRE-PRESIDENCY Lincoln was born on the twelfth of February 1809 in a cabin three miles outside of Hodgenville, Kentucky. He was later forced to move to Indiana. As a child Lincoln worked on his family's farm clearing fields and tending crops. He liked to read but unfortunately received hardly any formal education. In fact, his entire schooling only amounted to about one year of attendance. (Brit. 23) In 1830 Lincoln's family moved to Illinois. Lincoln didn't want to be a farmer, so he tried other professions: rail-splitter, flatboat man, storekeeper, postmaster, surveyor, an army man, and a profession in Law. In 1932 Lincoln, at twenty-three years old, decided to run for the Illinois State legislature. Lincoln was to campaign for local improvements such as better roads and canals. However, a war with the Indians broke out before Lincoln's campaign could get going. In response, he joined the Army. After his short wartime, Lincoln returned to politics and lost the race of Illinois Legislature. In 1834 he ran again and was elected- second of thirteen. At the age of 25 Lincoln was a member of the Illinois Legislature. After his term in the legislature, Lincoln found he needed more money. So, he started studying law on his own. He accepted a job in Springfield at John Todd Stuart's practice. In the late 1830's Lincoln found the love of his life, Mary Ann Todd, the daughter of a rich banker. She got engaged to Abe in 1840 and the two were married in 1842. They had thee children together, Willie and Tad Lincoln. In 1946 Lincoln won the Whig nomination for a seat in the House of Representatives for Illinois and sat in Congress in 1847. The major issues of the time were the Mexican-American war, which Lincoln opposed, and slavery. Lincoln was not an anti-slavery crusader. However, he did vote in Congress to stop it from spreading. Morally, Lincoln hated slavery and said slaver was "founded on both injustice and bad policy." He wanted to abolish slavery over time because he thought dramatic actions to end slavery would lead to violence. Lincoln felt that Congress should not interfere with slavery in states in which it already existed. After his term in Congress, Lincoln left politics again for a full time law practice. In the early 1850's Senator Stephen Douglas opened the issue of slavery in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. In 1854, Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska act, allowing the issue of slavery in Kansas and Nebraska to be decided by popular sovereignty. Lincoln was "thunderstruck and stunned." This act brought him back into politics. He felt obligated to speak out against the Kansas-Nebraska act. So, after Lincoln left law he traveled across Illinois campaigning for anti-slavery Whigs. In his campaigning Lincoln called slavery a "cancer" and a"monstrous injustice." He said he believed in the Declaration of Independence, which states "all men are created equal." However, he wasn't sure of what to do with slavery in the states where it already existed in. In 1856, Lincoln switched from the Whig Party to the Republican Party because the Whigs were weak and could never unite against slavery. Lincoln felt that if he wanted to make a point he would have to be with a strong party. In 1858, Lincoln won the Republican Nomination for the Illinois Senate seat. He wanted the seat of his long time rival, Senator Stephen Douglas. In Lincoln's first speech for his Senate campaign Lincoln said, "I believe this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free." Lincoln warned his opponents that the spread of slavery must be stopped or else it would become "lawful in all the states; old as well as new- north as well as south." In July of 1958, Lincoln challenged Senator Douglas to a series of seven three-hour, public debates. Thousands of people showed up to watch the Little Giant (Douglas) vs. Long Abe. Douglas fought for white supremacy. He believed the country could endure half free and half slave. Douglas said whites made this country therefore they should run it. Lincoln wanted equality. During one debate Lincoln said: "There is no reason in the world why the Negro is not entitled to
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Three Best Places to Start Your Journalism Career
The Three Best Places to Start Your Journalism Career When I was in grad school I had a part-time gopher job at the New York Daily News. But my dream was to be a reporter in a big-city newsroom, so one day I put together my best clips and walked into the office of one of the papers top editors. Id toiled at several student papers and had an internship under my belt. Id also worked part-time at a local daily paper when I was an undergrad in journalism school. So I asked her if I had what it took to get a reporting job there. No, she said. Not yet. This is the big-time, she told me. You cant afford to make mistakes here. Go and make your mistakes at a smaller paper, then come back when youre ready. She was right. Four years later I did return to the Daily News, where I worked as a reporter, Long Island bureau chief and eventually deputy national news editor. But I did so after getting solid newsroom experience at The Associated Press, experience that prepared me for the big leagues. Too many journalism school grads today want to start their careers at places like The New York Times, Politico and CNN. Its fine to aspire to work at such lofty news organizations, but at places like that, there wont be much on-the-job-training. Youll be expected to hit the ground running. Thats fine if youre a prodigy, the Mozart of journalism, but most college grads need a training ground where they can be mentored, where they can learn - and make mistakes - before they hit the big time. So heres my list of the best places to start your career in the news business. Weekly Community Papers Probably not a sexy choice, but short-staffed weeklies offer new hires the opportunity to do a little bit of everything - write and edit stories, take pictures, do layout, and so on. This gives young journalists the kind of broad newsroom experience that can be valuable later on.​ Small to Midsized Local Papers Local papers are great incubators for young reporters. They offer you the chance to cover all the things youll cover at bigger papers - cops, courts, local politics and the like - but in an environment where you can hone your skills. Also, good local papers will have mentors, older reporters, and editors who can help you learn the tricks of the trade. There are plenty of very good local papers out there. One example: The Anniston Star. A small-town paper in southwest Alabama may not sound like the most exciting place to start out, but The Star has long been known for solid journalism and a crusading spirit. Indeed, during the civil rights movement in the 1960s, The Star was one of few southern papers to support school integration. The states racist governor, George Wallace, nicknamed it The Red Star for its liberal stance. The Associated Press The AP is the boot camp of journalism. People in the AP will tell you that two years at the wire service is like four or five years anywhere else, and its true. Youll work harder and write more stories at the AP than in any other job. Thats because while the AP is the worlds largest news organization, individual AP bureaus tend to be small. For instance, when I worked at the Boston AP bureau we had maybe a dozen or so staffers in the newsroom on a typical weekday shift. On the other hand, The Boston Globe, the citys largest newspaper, has dozens if not hundreds of reporters and editors. Since AP bureaus are so small, AP staffers have to produce a lot of copy. While a newspaper reporter might write a story or two a day, an AP staffer might write four or five articles - or more. The result is that AP staffers are known for being able to produce clean copy on very tight deadlines. In an age when the 24/7 news cycle of the Internet has forced reporters everywhere to write fast, the kind of experience you get at the AP is highly prized. In fact, my four years at the AP got me the job at the New York Daily News.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Education in the United States Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Education in the United States - Coursework Example The schools have adequate resources coupled with teachers to handle the pressure from the public. Given the above features, every American has the right of access to education with the government safeguarding effectiveness of the system of education in the country as the discussion below shows. I think that every individual has the same kind of academic education. The country has a system of education that strives to empower the learners thereby making them economically viable. While doing this, the policy makers in the country appreciate the role of education in creating a cultural identity. As such, they have created a system where learners go through the same system and accessing the same kind of education. At primary levels, for example, learners in the education system undergo a liberal arts education that provides the learners with holistic understanding and intellectual background in a number of fields (Theodoulou, 2003). The system is appropriate for determining the strengths and weaknesses of the learners. Additionally, the learners take part in a number of physical education that strives to identify and develop their talents. As the learners advance their education, they begin to specialize as the transition to a vocational form of training. The training is appropriate in aligning the capabilities of the learners to the demands of the economy. Through vocational training, learners acquire appropriate skills that relate to their respective jobs through technical training. This orients the learners to the economy thus making them productive individuals once they complete the education systems (Radin & Hawley, 1988). The education system in the country is a combination of the two system with the citizens enjoying the right to access depending on both their both abilities and interests. The government continues to provide support to the citizens in a number of ways
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Theorist Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Theorist - Research Paper Example According to Warren, humans acquire knowledge or rather learn using different communication patterns (Rhode, 2006). Studies show that, hypotheses help people understand certain life phenomena since hypothesis applies special degree of critical thinking and evaluation, which are suitable for elaborating and explaining different life issues. Leadership concept is confusing and ambiguous as some of the other explanations provided by certain scholars. Warren Bennis realized he could do better at expounding much on the topic by developing theories describing ways in which one can learn to be a leader, provide the meaning of the connotation leader and/or leadership, and show ways of shaping the facet of leadership in organization (Anbuvelan, 2006). In his Leadership theory, Warren points out that, ‘the concept of leadership is powerful as it eludes or turns people away from one form in order to taunt them on the with its complexity and slipperiness’ (Fitzgerald, 2002). As such, people with different level of thinking have come along with a wide range of words, which include domination, manipulation, rank, influence, control, prestige, authority, and power among others just to define the concept of leadership, yet there still no sufficient wording that can define it (Bennis & Biederman, 2009). Referring to his d escription of theoretical excerpts, it is seeable that Warren believes in rehearsal and dialectical emphasis of leadership, which has no bureaucracy or biasness (Hernon, 2010). Due to the existing welter of confusion, the coherent leadership theory seeks to address the complexity and value-laden potency, which tends to resist a final answer (Goethals, Sorenson, & Burns, 2004). Ideologically, Warren beliefs that learning or acquiring knowledge is simply adapting or changing what people thought to be accurate or true. In order for people to understanding the meaning
Monday, November 18, 2019
Select ONE country and consider the countrys current and likely future Research Paper
Select ONE country and consider the countrys current and likely future role in transnational crime over the next decade - Research Paper Example â€Å"The porous ness of the border with Mexico, which has recently become a major trading partner for the United States, in particular reinforces peoples perception that the nation is not in the control of its destiny†(Petrie & Reuter, n.d pg 2). The improvement in the technology has also added to the woes of United States, with communication being made easier the international borders have become very permeable. Traditional criminal activities were limited to a particular criminal trade while the present transnational crimes are global in nature and even diverse in dimensions. These crimes are not limited to a particular form and the groups involved in these crimes also are results of motivated groups who aim at destruction, example terrorist groups (Walia, n.d). â€Å"A well know example of transnational crime in the form of terrorist attacks is the 9/11 attacks in USA which caused economical damages of 15 million dollars to the infrastructure as well as costed life of mo re than 3000 people†(Walia, n.d, p. 2). In this paper we try and discuss the different kinds of transnational crimes and understand America’s current and future role in the controlling and monitoring such crimes. The United Nations in the year 1995 defined International crime as the "offense whose inception, prevention and/or direct effect or indirect effects involved more than one country" (Petrie & Reuter, n.d, p. 8). We discuss the major transnational crimes under this section. We further discuss the laws and policies prevalent in the United States of America against these crimes in the past years. Money laundering is transferring of money through different countries so that the origin nation of the money becomes difficult to understand. The smugglers, drug traffickers, corrupt officials and public officials basically carry out laundering activities. These
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Recent Trends in Marketing Management
Recent Trends in Marketing Management The present era is the era of marketing. Marketing Management has taken over all the other functions of business management. The product design which was earlier an exclusive production function is now the primary function of marketing management. Human Resource Management is also been throttled by Internal marketing. Even Strategic Management now implies marketing management. Marketing now has taken the drivers seat in business and the very word marketing now defines the way we live. So marketing is no more a marketers domain but a co-venture of marketers as well as customer. Marketing in the 21st century has experienced a paradigm shift. The new millennium gave a new dimension to marketing by converting the customer-oriented marketing approach of 1990s to customer-driven marketing. Involvement of customers in product design and development, branding packaging and advertising decisions is now what is being practiced. To relate to this idea, we can look back to the Frito lays ad campaign where they invited options from customers for launching new flavors and then again public voting for the final flavor. Another example can be public voting being carried out for the selection of an actress for playing the role of grown-up Aanandi in the famous Ballika Vadhuà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.The guiding philosophy of marketing today is not products for the people but the product by the people as well. The advent of service economy has made customers the co-creators of products, so more and more involvement of customers is being sought. Customers are being involved at every s tage of product development in an attempt to generate loyalty from variety-spoiled customers. Another trend that has up surged recently is Product placements We are now quite used to watching advertisements during movie intervals and in between our favorite shows on the television. An ad exposure during interval may not find sufficient viewers and remote of a TV set gives the viewer full liberty to switch-over the channelà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..so the new thing that is being tested for effectiveness is the product placement in movies or in popular TV shows. Now we often see our favorite actors and actresses using some brands as a part of their natural lifestyle or hoardings or showrooms of some brands as a backdrop of some important scene. Such product placements are being so naturally embedded in the settings that the viewers sub-conscious registers them strongly in their mind. A very undercover trend is neuro-marketing -marketing to mind. Understanding the complex dynamics of consumer mind is a real challenge of the modern times. The attempts of marketers to know what a consumer wants through varied research methods are now not generating effective insights into consumer minds because the consumer today is smart, intelligent and sophisticated enough not to let anyone extract the unwarranted information and moreover the dynamics of human behaviour are so intricate that in most cases we as consumers dont even know rightly why we buy something. So what the marketers are now doing to get deeper into the consumer psyche is something which is still being debated for its ethical concerns. Various psychological techniques are being used to explore the consumer mind and above that FMRI scans of consumers are also being taken to know what happens in the consumer mind while experiencing a particular service or what appeals to the consumer mind more while watching an advertisement. Many such trends have been catching up recently but the future of marketing lies in technology with which consumers now spend most of their timeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the mobile phones and the internet. Times are fast changing from counting the customer footfalls to the counting of eyeballs. That means how many customers will actually buy the product now depends on how many customers see the products and the advertisements on their mobile phones or through internet. Wireless technology enabled media defines the new age of marketing. All the latest explorations of marketers are oriented towards this relatively new media. Internet is a new way for people to connect, gather information, share, collaborate and build their business or buy their products. Ensuring web-presence has become a pre-requisite for every business be it small or large. New generations belonging to any strata of society now extensively use internet and mobile technology. And the literate sections of senior generations are a lso catching up fast with it. Looking for a mobile phone, booking of travel package, sending flowers and greetings on special occasions, listening and downloading songs, chatting with a distant friend and relativeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..whatever we want to do and know à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the internet is ready with ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..So obviously it has become the key driver for marketing systems. The trends that have emerged as an outcome of this big change are mainly fuelled by a buzzword known as Viral Marketing. It refers to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increase in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives through self-replicating viral processes similar to the spread of virus. It can be word-of-mouth delivered or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet. Viral marketing takes the form of Mobile marketing, email-marketing, blogging, Gaming, video marketing and above all social media marketing. Mobile marketing is all about marketing to people through their mobile phones and smart-phone devices. Demand is increasing dramatically for mobile applications and mobile web-browsing due to wider adoption of devices like the iPhone. Video marketing is a very effective tool of internet marketing where in Countless buying emotions and memorable brand moments are possible to be presented through musical, adventurous, motivational or funny video messages. These videos are viewed, liked and forwarded by the viewers hence spreading the message like a viral network. Social networking sites are attracting millions of people of all age groups. Staying connected through Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc is part of ones daily regimen. No wonder Social Media is the strongest marketing trend which is not just a fad but a trend to stayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ more and more companies have been posting on various blogs, creating profile on Facebook, tweeting on Twitter, or posting news on Digg.com ,etc and by simply clicking like on such pages we are becoming part of the marketing network . Another related trend is taking the web marketing one step further: it is called Social Appvertising! The leading brands are now starting to create special interactive Facebook applications to maximize consumer involvement. A soft drinks Facial Profiler application finding your twin on Facebookà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Or American Express contest for creating your own ad through a Facebook application. So a lot is to be explored about these trends. With the dynamics of ever changing consumer behaviour, dynamics of marketing will keep on changingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.the changes that are important, inevitable and essence of life..!!!!!!! RAMNEEK KAUR MBA, M.COM, M.PHIL ASSTT. PROFESSOR GURU NANAK INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY, MODEL TOWN, LUDHIANA.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Female Direction of Shakespeares As You Like It Essays -- Shakespeare
Female Direction of As You Like It      In As You Like It, Jaques states that "All the world's a stage,/ And all the men and women in it merely players./ They have they're exits and their entrances,/ And one man in his time plays many parts" (II, vii, 138-141). That very well might be true. But if life is a stage traditionally controlled by a man, what parts does that leave for the women of the world? The female answer to this question is that if you don't like your part, change it, and if you don't like the direction, follow someone else. And that is exactly what all-female Shakespeare does. It explores roles for women, roles that women don't traditionally get to play. All-female productions of Shakespeare, as well as female-directed Shakespeare, differ from tradition productions. Female-centered shows tend to revolve around the idea that gender matters, but it does not matter any more than age, politics, socio-economic concerns, or any other defining characteristics found in any given person. Female dire ctors tend to want to stretch the meaning in Shakespeare's plays, be radical, new, and expansive. Female directors gravitate toward a conception of the show filled with characters that happen to be specific genders, not gendered people who happen to be individuals. This makes the theme of the play revolve more around relationships and not around gender stereotypes and a confirmation of traditional gender constructs. Clearly, gender does matter to female directors. However, gender is only another means of adding dimension to a character. For female directors, the characters' relationships are more important than their gender, and it is through the exploration of gender that these directors seek to push limits and expand bo... ...st At Theatre 3." Greenwich Village Gazette. Available online: http://www.judithshakespeare.org/main_reviews.htm Merritt, Erin. Personal Interview. November 6, 2002, via email. Neely, Carol Thomas. Lovesickness, Gender, and Subjectivity: Twelfth Night and As You Like It. A Feminist Companion to Shakespeare. Blackwell Publishers. 2000. Shakespeare, William. As You Like It. The Norton Shakespeare. W.W.Norton & Company, Inc. 1997. Turner, Jeff. As You Like It. On-stage Studies, Vol. 19. University of Colorado. 1996. Werner, Sarah. Shakespeare and Feminist Performance. Routledge. New York. 2001. Woman's Will Website. Brochure. Available Online: http://www.womanswill.org/brochure.html Zell, Allison Eve. "Measure for Measure: Sexual Downplay." TheatreMania.com. Available Online: http://www.malialoke.com/gwen/natalie/index.php?x=article_misc01.php
Monday, November 11, 2019
Aeneas and Jesus Essay
Roman ideal of pietas which Virgil’s Aeneas embodies the observation of what is due to the Gods and work forces. and obeying one’s fate ( destiny ) or naming. In Virgil’s The Aeneid. Aeneas has no pick but to be devoted to the Gods. while Jesus in The New Testament choices freely to be devoted to one God. Religion for the Romans was really tied up in thoughts of duties. non merely to the Gods. but to one’s household and state every bit good. Aeneas preserves his saneness and the lives of his work forces. by halting his ain anxiousnesss and desires to the demands of destiny and the regulations of piousness. Religion in The Aeneid besides involves doing forfeits and supplications to the Gods. The thought was if you did that. the Gods might wish you and assist you. The thing is they might besides disregard you and mess up your life for no ground. Therefore. when Aeneas tells Dido. â€Å"I canvas for Italy non of my ain free will. †he doesn’t mean that his destiny is coercing him to travel at that place. He means that he has an duty ( responsibility ) to travel at that place. which he is taking to populate up to. On the other manus. Jesus believes in one God. Jesus is wholly devoted to his God and goes about teaching society about how good his God is. In the New Testament. Jesus has people or a undermentioned to the full committed and devoted to God. The four Gospels describe Jesus’s life until his Resurrection. and the balance of the New Testament concerns itself with the community of followings of Jesus that steadily grows after his decease. Concluding. Aeneas and Jesus are two different characters who have given their devotedness to their ain Supreme beings. It was Aeneas’s piousness or responsibility to transport his household with him to follow his devotedness to the Gods. In contrast. Jesus uses his free will to learn us to follow his God. Aeneas has to give his free will to give to his Supreme beings because it is his destiny while Jesus sacrifices himself voluntarily. ?
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Emotional Intelligence – Summary
February 10, 2013 ASMT W4b (R) ASMT W4b (R) Why Emotional Intelligence Is Not Essential for Leadership C6 p. 171 Mitch McCrimmon, the author of â€Å"Why Emotional Intelligence Is Not Essential for Leadership†, presents an argument contrary to that of Daniel Goleman’s claim that leaders must be emotionally intelligent to be effective. He even ventures as far as calling Goleman’s theory harmful. â€Å"The bottom line is that emotional intelligence is more important for management than leadership†(Rowe, 2013, p. 172). McCrimmon begins his argument referencing great leaders like Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandi, and Nelson Mandela.Each of these men has influenced others with their passion to eradicate unfairness. They convinced those who can make decisions to favor their ideas. â€Å"They aimed their cry at their respective governments and the population at large . . . but none of them managed the people responsible for making the policy changes that th ey were promoting†(Rowe, 2013, p. 172). They were bottom-up leaders. McCrimmon makes this point in order to simplify and redefine leadership to â€Å"the successful promotion of new directions†(Rowe, 2013, p. 172).This simplified definition of leadership allows for the promotion of better ideas in an environment where the leadership role shifts from person to person as ideas are developed. As justification for his new definition, McCrimmon claims that the traditional concept of leadership is founded within the confines of the managerial framework, not in those who lead outside of managerial roles. Returning to the topic of the article, the author contends that â€Å"emotional intelligence is critical for management, though not so for leadership†(Rowe, 2013, p. 174).From the beginning, emotional intelligence should have been associated with management, but â€Å"a scapegoat was needed to blame for the failure of Western businesses to cope with Japanese competi tion, and management was fingered for this role†(Rowe, 2013, p. 174). With management now the â€Å"bad guy†, emotional intelligence became associated with the â€Å"good guy†– leadership. Emotional intelligence has its place among management and only a situational role in leadership. It is important for executives and managers because they have many responsibilities involving the welfare of others.Managers need high emotional intelligence to succeed. However, creative and innovative non-managers, those wanting to challenge the status quo, do not need emotional intelligence in order to convince others of their ideas and be effective leaders. â€Å"The power to lead is increasingly knowledge based and is less about personality and character. Conversely, emotional intelligence is essential for all managerial roles†(Rowe, 2013, p. 175). McCrimmon concludes his argument with call for organizations to cultivate bottom-up leadership, especially organiz ations dependent on constant innovation. If potential leaders are told to keep quiet until they become emotionally intelligent, they may well say good-bye before they gain the necessary maturity†(Rowe, 2013, p. 175). He implores those in management positions to relinquish their monopolies on leadership in order to grow and encourage bottom-up leadership. Empower others to be leaders. References Rowe, G. , & Guerrero, L. (2013). Cases in leadership. (3rd ed. ). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publishing.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Best Summer Jobs for College Students to Try this Year
The Best Summer Jobs for College Students to Try this Year Many students face financial difficulties through their college semesters. Though you might not have enough time to dedicate to a job while having classes every day, summer break allows you to work full time and make much more money. But what are the best summer jobs for college students? We have prepared the list of the best seasonal jobs that not only provide good payment but also will let you enjoy your summer. What to Expect? Temporary jobs are widespread among students. Such jobs allow getting a great experience and improving skills while also making money. If you are looking for a temporary job, you should be prepared for some pitfalls that might occur: Most of the temporary jobs pay less compared to long-term employment. The benefits such as paid sick days will depend on the company. The employment time might last less or more than your summer break. So, when looking for a job, make sure to specify all the details on a job interview, including your salary, working schedule, the period they hire you for, etc. Eventually, most of the students get their summer jobs without complications as employers are glad to offer seasonal jobs in summer, especially if their business depends on the season too. For example, swimming pools, amusement parks, and some event agencies have more clients in summer, so they offer a lot of seasonal work vacancies starting from spring. Lets have a look at the most common vacancies and types of summer jobs for college and high school students. 1. Swimming Pool Lifeguard When talking about summer jobs for college students, its impossible not to mention swimming pool lifeguards. This job comes to mind first thanks to the countless TV shows and movies showing college students enjoying their summer days while working. This might seem a real dream job as all you have to do is to stay near the pool for the whole shift making sure that everyone in the pool is safe. If you enjoy being outdoors and can pass the guard test (for example, you should be a good swimmer), this job is just for you. You wont need to sit in the hot office, staring at the monitor, which the majority of people try to avoid, especially during summer months. How to get a job: first of all you have to attend lifeguarding and water safety training courses. Such courses usually take from 3 to 4 days, you can sign up for them any time as organizations like Red Cross hold them through the whole year. 2. Summer Camp Counselor A camp counselor is a perfect summer job for students who love outdoor activities and working with kids. As a counselor, you will have to schedule activities for kids, implement educational and entertaining programs, be a leader and a role model to make sure that kids have the best summer. This job is not easy but is, without any doubts, fun and useful for students self-development and future careers. For example, as a counselor you will get the following skills: Time-management skills Organizational skills Communication skills Leadership skills You will also get to meet new people, spend your summer mostly outdoors and receive a competitive salary for your work. If you are looking for a job to save money for college, check out some tips on what you also can do to graduate without debt. How to get a job: look for advertisements in specialized centers. For example, American Camp Association (ACA). There are no specific requirements for the applicants but the First Aid Certification would be an advantage. 3. Pet Sitter A pet sitter takes care of the pets while their owners are on vacations or at work. Students who love taking care of animals will enjoy this job as well as working as a pet shop worker. This job is more on the part-time side, and we mentioned it in our list of well-paid part-time jobs college students can get. By the way, you should totally check this list out. Anyway, this job can be your summer hustle as most people leave for vacations in summer so you will have more opportunities to make some extra cash. How to get a job: place your advertisement on local job boards or freelance platforms. You can also ask a local pet store to recommend your service to their customers. 4. Paid Intern Usually internship means that you are not paid for your service but instead, you get the experience that will be useful for your career. This is a great chance to apply in practice the theoretical knowledge that you have received in your learning institution. But sometimes you can find a place that combines both a great opportunity to get priceless experience and also get paid for your job. Paid internship spots are rare and get quickly occupied by students, but you definitely should try searching for one in your location. Summer internships can be offered in different spheres including medicine, real estate, manufacturing, media, etc. How to get a job: find a suitable offer using platforms like Internships, Indeed, WayUp, etc. 5. Movie Theater Cashier This is one more example of a common summer job for students. Movie theaters usually have a few job offers in summer so you can try to apply for a cashier vacancy. This job is not among the high paying ones, but you will have an opportunity to watch movie premiers before your classmates Ã' an do this. Moreover, movie theaters offer flexible working schedules and great social packages. You can also apply for cashier in your nearest store or mall. Cashier job is one of the jobs for college students with no experience – you just need to be attentive and responsible. Consider this job if you love working with people and have a great deal of patience to stay in the same spot for the whole working shift. 6. Food Delivery Driver Food delivery is one of the most increasingly developing spheres, especially in big cities. It’s convenient and time-efficient, that’s why many restaurants establish delivery services. A driver license, in this case, is a great bonus that helps you to increase your chances of getting a better place with a higher salary. Everything will depend on the place you work for and the effort you put in your work. The more deliveries you make per day – the more profit. If you need some help with finance tracking or with scheduling your day, check out the best planner apps for your phone. How to get a job: check the nearest pizza places, they are probably hiring students who can drive a car or a motorbike. 7. Receptionist People who greet visitors at the entrance of the beauty salon, gym or hotel are called receptionists. They usually take calls, take care of clients and keep the records of the visitors. If you can genuinely smile all day long and keep patience, this job is for you. How to get a job: look for job advertisements on specialized platforms or check the nearest gym, they might be hiring. Wrapping Up If you are looking for a summer job, you should definitely check the nearest locations first – coffee shops, malls, post offices, etc. They might offer some great options for different working schedules and salaries. The benefit is clear – you wont have to spend too much time or money getting to work. By the way, you might like the place that you already know better than the others. Also, check advertisements on social media and your college bulletin boards – employers who are willing to hire students for summer often reach communities, groups, and clubs to find employees. Be sure to find the place for summer beforehand – the majority of good-paying college student jobs are taken before you even notice that.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Reliance Baking Soda of Stewart Corporation Essay - 35
Reliance Baking Soda of Stewart Corporation - Essay Example Regnante has been promoted to a higher position that requires her managerial experience and decision-making skills to be put in practice, in addition, prove that she is worth the position of Domestic Brand Director. Moreover, the first task that has come with this position is very challenging. The task of increasing the Corporation’s profit by 10%, through developing a 2008 budget P& L, calls for strategic thinking. Regnant's plan aimed at achieving the goal of increasing profit by 10% starts by collecting information pertaining to past promotional strategies of RBS. RBS has a considerable market share since its competitors, private label brands, only enjoy 30% of the market share, and this is a good opportunity on the side of the corporation. Regnant's plan of achieving the stated goal has been fueled up by a 2006 consumer survey. The survey purports that RBS enjoys excellent brand awareness and loyalty, but on the flipside, it suffers from low advertisement. Regnante is aware that generating an additional profit of 10% through Marketing RBS, which is an old-fashioned and mainstay product will require a monitored expenditure. This means that whatever amount the Corporation spends on promotion should be worthwhile, and thus, she has embarked on scrutinizing past promotional strategies of RBS. The marketing mixes that Regnante has put into consideration are distribution, pricing, advertising, consumer promotion, and trade promotion (Ferrell & Hartline 15). In distribution, RBS has an opportunity since the highest percentage of grocery stores, mass merchandisers, warehouse clubs and drug stores stock the product. The distribution of RBS also has strength because the sales agents handling retail and wholesale of the product are paid through bonus on sales targets. When it comes to pricing, in the last five years the selling price of RBS was changed three times.RBS’s
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Lesson plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Lesson plan - Case Study Example Day 1 With the use of a self-regulated strategy, the tutor should let Rodney draft a sentence that will be based on what he is interested. This sentence will not be corrected immediately, but instead used as a specimen for spelling, punctuation, and oral usage. In this phase, Rodney is being given the freedom to choose what he loves and feels comfortable with; thus, helping create a conducive atmosphere that builds his confidence in the tutor. This will reduce shyness and encourage him to participate fully. This falls under the first guideline of the UDL where a student’s perception is taken into consideration, and with Rodney being a computer fan and one who is used to having his freedom. His freedom will still be maintained and his perception of things from such an angle considered. Therefore, the first day will act as an introduction day to simple writing and reading where the student is only exposed to what he is used to as he is prepared to be introduced to a new strange environment in terms of vocabulary. Day 2 For proper understanding to be obtained on any given written material; a reader must be fluent, which is necessary for the second day. This can only be achieved by having Rodney read a given portion of a book continuously to help him become conversant with the words in writing, how they are pronounced, and their meaning. Using Thunder Rose as the material, introduce the first six pages then stop and ask Rodney what he thinks has happened in the story and tell him to write it down in his T-chart (Read Write Think, paragraph, 11). Deal with the six pages that day and note if with conversancy, Rodney is able to regain confidence and thus improve on his self-esteem where he will then be able to read out aloud before his fellow classmates. Marzano’s Strategies The objectives can only be achieved if one utilizes Marzano’s strategy of Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition. This is simply because the strategy will make Rodney feel appreciated, and for a child whose parents are never around recognition is something that he will receive with much joy (Resourcefortechers.pbworks.com, pg. 15). Therefore, the strategy will help improve his reading skills not to mention help boost interaction between him and his tutor thus ensuring that his participation is high. He will be given prizes and praised when he shows progress and development; the prizes would include; Free stationeries Candies Computer games As a tutor one can also utilize the Non-linguistic representation where the student can try and act out some of his writings (Resourcefortechers.pbworks.com, pg. 19). For example, if it is a sentence he uses actions and body movements to get the point across or does as the given character in the story he read is said to do and this will help improve his memory of that given reading. This type of strategy is of great use to every student, no matter the reading and writing ability since it helps the brain improve on remembering that activity. UDL Guidelines The two strategies aim at improving self-esteem and participation, to achieve the objectives, this engagement must be present. This is to say that the tutor knowing that Rodney likes spending time alone and not socializing, he or she can improve this situation by coming up with activities that promote socializing and engaging with friends be it through a game or just sharing a story during the afternoon session. Therefore, such a tutor will be utilizing the 3rd guideline under UDL that talks of recruiting interest and sustaining
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Why rebalancing could be a huge mistake Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Why rebalancing could be a huge mistake - Article Example Likewise, as a stock market rises, the commensurate rate at which bonds will be available will be reduced; furthering the investment potential of the individual investor. Conversely, the author also indicates that during a declining stock market, the investor should seek to purchase stocks; with the assumption that they will be available at a reduced rate. In order to facilitate this, bonds can of course be sold as they will necessarily command a higher premium during such a time. Essentially, the author found no indication that rebalancing reduced risk over the long term. Naturally, the broader question that deserves to be answered is whether or not rebalancing is capable of reducing risk over the short term; and to this the author indicates that it does indeed. However, for the investor that is interested in maintaining an appropriate ratio of stocks to bonds and maximizing their earnings over a period of time, specifically with an interest in retirement savings, the act of rebalancing more than once per year is not backed by the research. Essentially, the author provided three distinct levels of advice within the article in question. The first of these is with respect to rebalancing a maximum of once per year. Secondly, the author indicates that subsequent rebalance is of a portfolio present diminishing returns of the long run; however they are capable of providing short-term benefits that is in fact the approach that the investor wishes to take. Finally, the author indicates that the long-standing tradition of understanding long-term investments as paramount to short-term gains is something that should be recognized with respect to the issue of rebalancing and whether or not stocks and bonds should be purchased for reconsidered during a particular market trend. Naturally, the desire to seek to avail oneself available opportunity encourages
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
College Life Essay Example for Free
College Life Essay College life is stress free; whoever said anything about it being difficult is ludacris. Being in college is so nice. There is work but there isn’t as much work as in high school. The assignments aren’t due for credit or points in our final grade. We do assignments for fun. It’s no big deal if we don’t do our homework, cramming the material the night before always works, that’s how high school was. The rest of the time we don’t have class we hang out with friends and talk until the day ends. There are so many things to do on campus such as joining clubs, going downtown, going shopping, or walking around campus with friends; there is no time for homework. There is only time for exploring and having fun in college. That’s what the college life is all about having fun and socializing to our hearts content at parties, during class, after classes and on the weekends. All of the socializing outside of school leads you to do well in college. Testing your boundaries and finding out what you truly love to do. Classes are there to keep you on track and help you appreciate what you’re doing outside of school. School is there to help you realize what you want to do in the future, whether it is your new hobby or your career. College is all about finding yourself. You can always make up the schoolwork anytime, but the main focus that schools want you to do is to have fun while being able to balance assignments and school. They are preparing you for your exciting future in the real world. The real world and the world of college are different but pretty much the same, there are the same workloads and most definitely the same enjoyment in the things you do at work and in college. College work is harder since you have to worry about making connections in college and keeping them strong because those relationships are those that you’re going to treasure most. No one talks about high school memories, everyone talks about college memories. That’s why having the most fun those college years and caring less about school is the way to go for the best college memories and experiences you may ever have, in your entire life. Life is going to be boring without those college years of fun, going in to the working world with more experiences from college gives you a head up in the game, called the real world. Although you think its bad for you now, but wait until you get to tell everyone about your experiences in college during those job interviews. They will be excited to hire you right off the bat knowing that you are ready for the real world. Ready to work now that you have experience in experiencing the world to its fullest, and being able to share those experiences and relating them to people and their situations. My modest proposal is to enjoy yourself in college, don’t worry too much about the grades. Be in college for the education but don’t forget to go wild when having fun during those college years. You never know when you’re going to be able to experience them again in the real world.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Truth Of The Ideal Woman
The Truth Of The Ideal Woman This essay goes into a topic that is unaware to the majority of society. It goes to the roots of how society views women and it reveals the secrets of why women act, look, and think a certain way. This essay explains how the media is forcing women of all ages to conform to one image. It explains how stressful this is to a female and that they will go to great lengths, subconsciously or not, to fulfill the image that the media wants each woman to conform to. This essay goes into examples such as propaganda, the work place, raising children, a womans assumed role, womens health and even products a woman may buy to uphold the medias image. The media wants women to fulfill this perfect image, to do this a woman will think of herself differently, treat others differently, and overall this whole perfect image causes a chain reaction to our society and the way society views women, thus greatly affecting how women act, think, and look to fit this perfect image. Behind the Truth of the Ideal Woman Media shapes the way females think and act in society. One study reports that at age thirteen, 53% of American girls are unhappy with their bodies. This grows to 78% by the time girls reach seventeen.(National Institute, 2010) Physiologically, these young women wish their bodies were different. This drastically increases between ages thirteen to seventeen when a girl is first judged by their appearance. The media is constantly forcing females of all ages to conform to this perfect woman image. The media depicts females to have a certain body type, attitude, and it determines a womans future life goals. The media forces women to think, act and look a certain way. Women are given specific roles that are determined by the media. A womans first role is to be a caretaker; this idea is thrust upon us by the media. If a female is acting like a tom-boy it is frowned upon by society because of the way media exposes the perfect woman. This has been escalated ever since the end of World War II. The popular media (television, movies, magazines, etc.) have, since World War II, increasingly held up a thinner and thinner body image as the ideal for women.(Teen Health and the Media, 2010) The thin body image for women has been reintroduced into society and makes a womans image all she is and how she will represent her family. At this time physical and social appearances defined who you are and how your family was going to be represented. During WWII women got to have jobs to help their country, but once it ended every woman wanted to be her own provider, which was frowned upon because it was masculine, but, after WWII the perfect woman image was born puttin g pressure on the way society views women and their actions. Society believes that a woman must always be neat, at home, rested, etc. Just the thought of being grungy/dirty or any kind of hard labor was frowned upon and viewed as tom-boy like behavior. In a situation where a woman is successful in the working world we view it as if she cheated to get her way on top. Why, because media influences the way we view woman, even to this day. This causes us to treat men and woman differently because we subconsciously believe what the media is telling us. Subconsciously, we believe that what ever he media says must be true or have some truth to it. We do not care where they got their information we just believe it. It sculpts the way all females think and/or act. Media portrays woman as caretakers. For centuries woman have always trained their daughters to be like them so they can take care of their own families. As Kuperberg and Stone explain; During the past two decades, the media depiction of women in general, while in some ways reflecting the reality of changes in their labor force participation, continues to focus on traditional roles and is increasingly pervaded by an individualistic rhetoric of choice. The media depiction of motherhood remains highly traditional. It is against this backdrop that we explore images about women whose actions signify a return to the traditional family form of male breadwinner-stay-at-home mother. (Kuperberg, Stone, 2008) Society views women to have their family as top priority and if anything else gets in the way is must be put aside until their initial duty is completed. We have these cultural universals that the media forces society to be more sensitive toward woman and to give men tough love. If a girl fell and scraped her knee, one would aid her and talk to her as if she has no idea what to do; where as, if a boy scraped his knee one would give him tough love and tell him to suck it up. This trains a girl to be dependant on a provider and makes her learn that if someone needs help she will need to take care of them. We feel this way because the media wants all females to lean towards the traditional choice, to take care of others and to keep the females role at home. Any other kind of depiction of a females role is frowned upon. Mothers want to be good mothers in as many ways possible; one subconscious standard is to raise their children right. This pushes the stay-at-home or traditional view of a mother. Mothers then give more face time to their daughters to instill the same impression media shows society. By giving daughters more social activity it will stimulate the brain more frequently. If a mother has a baby girl she gives that girl more face-to-face time, if they have a baby boy, subconsciously they get less face-to-face time. This small social action a mother gives their child affects the way the think and act. This affects a girls brain drastically helping them throughout their life with social/group activities, in school and outside of school, with hands on problems. Boys on the other hand, learn to function on their own and be independent and are better at more seldom activities like math. (Money, 1972) Women, they say, learn early in life that female accomplishment brings few rewards. In some cases, women cannot be creative because they are discriminated against. In other instances, a womans creativity may well be blunted by fear of nonconformity, failure or even success itself. Unlike men, Kagan says, women are trained to have strong anxiety about being wrong. (Money, 1972) John Money is quoting Dr. Kagan, in which, Kagan is explaining how females are discouraged to be on their own and to depend on a provider to help them with their problems, thus showing the lack of creativity and showing how females are trained to follow directions or do as they are told, thus instilling the traditional role as a caretaker and to depend on a provider. Many mothers say that they do not favor either sex of their children but subconsciously they do because they are more social and compassionate with their daughters, they sympathize with them and guide them to be good mothers because as media has shown, a womans initial role is to be a caretaker. Studies also find that the messages conveyed in print media aimed at adolescent girls are traditional, emphasizing womens subordination to men, the centrality of heterosexual relationships, and the reinforcement of gender-segregated occupational stereotypes. (Kuperberg, Stone, 2008) The media is expressing how woman need to be at home helping and to do as their provider says. The media is brainwashing our society, especially our youth, to think that this stay-at-home traditional role is the only role for females and that it should be followed as tradition states. The media is convincing our youth to continue this cycle and to carry on in the desired perfect woman fashion. The media instills this idea that women are only to be caretakers and to train their daughters to do the same and to follow tradition. The media has suppressed womens voices all around the world. For decades a womans voice was ignored and never important. The media portrayed the perfect woman as the perfect housewife, nothing more. The medias ideal perfect woman is the 50s-60s domestic housewife, even though the styles have drastically changed over the years the media still stresses how important the stay-at-home mom is and how important a womans image and/or reputation should be. A womans role was to take care of the house and family, their opinions never mattered and if they spoke against their spouse then they were ridiculed and punished for speaking out of term. A perfect housewife would always be neat, organized, nice, thin, and was always cleaning, baking, or perfecting her image to fit the description. A housewife was never sloppy, or overworked. They only spoke when spoken to or if it was appropriate, they never used vulgar or inappropriate language. This why being a tom-boy was frowned upon. Being a tom-boy meant that a girl didnt care about how they looked, acted, and would do reckless and daring things. These tom-boy actions break this perfect image and who ever acted this way would be ridiculed by peers because they did not fit the medias standards. Girls were never allowed to play co-ed sports for a long time or sports that were originally designed for just men, such as basketball, baseball, and flag football. Today it is more widely accepted to be a tom-boy but it is still frowned upon if a girl acts like a boy. Girls are viewed to never roughhouse or to have outbursts because only rough boys do that, and their excuse is boys will be boys. Females then found a way around the physical actions to get what they wanted or to express how they felt. The media has forces females to be manipulative to attack others to get what they wanted to preserve their perfect woman image. This is where females bullying was always overlooked because it was never physical, it was purely emotional and manipulation. They [boys] dont care if they got in trouble, but girls dont want anyone to know they got into trouble, Maura said. Girls worry about how they are going to look.'(Simmons, 2003) These girls know that their image is defined by their actions so they fear that if they do get in trouble then their reputation will be ruined. The media puts pressure on these girls to be perfect and without flaws and if they were caught doing something bad then it would be the end of their perfect image. At this age their perfect image is everything; to lose this would be mortifying. These girls, who are only in middle school, are trapped in a vicious cy cle that the media portrays to our society, especially our youth. The media has shaped different looks and attitudes for certain age groups. For example, these girls that Simmons has interviewed are only in middle school. The media wants every young girl to be sugar spice and everything nice. They must act and dress a certain way. For clothing they only have girly choices and to be completely covered and modest. Any other kind of clothing, such as comfy clothes, is considered tom-boy like and frumpy. At this early age other students pick on who ever this girl may be despite her personality because in middle school image is everything. They are pressured to act this way and anything, such as rough housing/bullying, is frowned upon. These girls feel although they cannot express themselves freely and be themselves because the media wanted them to be perfect angels and to fulfill the single perfect image. They will then resort to manipulating others to channel how they feel. This then c arries on into their futures in high school and their working careers. Media labels women in the working world to be devious, untrustworthy and manipulative. The media makes us feel that having women in the working world is a negative impact and that a womans main job is at home. Support for the traditional male-breadwinner/female-homemaker division of labor declined; however, at no time was a womans career portrayed as more important to her than marriage and family. (Kuperberg, Stone, 2008) A womans working job is never top priority. For a woman to successfully get a promotion before their male competitor, her peers would say that she cheated to get ahead meaning that she most likely slept with or manipulated a superior to get higher up in the working world. This is not always true; media only portrays us to think that. A woman works harder than any man does at a job because it is a male ruling society, women are viewed as less valuable or incapable or doing a good job. This drives women to work harder and to become bullies in the workforce to keep up with the times and to stay on top. Because women, racing to crash the glass ceiling, are still token females around the office, their behavior might be scrutinized far more than a males. If a female has faced difficulties in getting to her position of leadership, she may still face doubts about her staying power in a male-dominated world. So, in a somewhat vicious cycle, such a female may return to that emotional manipulation she picked up at age 4: bullying. (Edmonds, 2010) Women are constantly doing whatever they can to be successful and to continue to be on top, thus resorting to bullying or manipulative actions at times. Media pictures woman to be deceiving or the bad guy in the working world, this is seen in movies and/or T.V. shows which society constantly watches and learns from. A recent movie that depicts the female boss to be an awful person is The Proposal starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. Sandra Bullock plays the pushy cut throat boss that everyone steers clear from and Ryan Reynolds plays her hardworking secretary. This movie is exactly how society views women in the working world. They are viewed as the tough competition. If successful, they are feared by their competitors or employees. In the movie, Bullocks character acts the way she does so that she can stay successful even though the things people say about her are hurtful. She acts like doesnt let it faze her but it truly does. This is what drives her to be so serious, hardwor king, and competitive. Many women in the working world feel as though they should put up this front to be successful. They feel as though they need to manipulate at times and to work twice as hard as men just to stay in the game, let alone trying to be successful. The media makes society view the working woman as a manipulative antagonist in the working world; in reality, the woman is putting up this front to hide her insecurity and to be successful in a working mans world. One may say that the media does not cause women to think and act a certain way but free will and/or choice is a main contributor to the way women think and act. Media sculpts women in a certain image where choices are limited to one category. For example; the ideal image for an eighteen year old woman is to have the following; bust size: 32 inches, waist: 23 inches, hips: 32 inches. This is the portrayed hour glass figure media states for the perfect woman. These women have to pay more money for less clothing. Younger shoppers, ages 18 to 34, are willing to spend more $60 a pair, on average but only one in 10 women say theyve shelled out more than $100 for a pair of jeans.(Kennedy, 2010) Women dont care how much they spend, as long as they fit the image thats all that matters. These women are prepared to spend this kind of money to fit the image the media wants them to fill. The image the media is handing out to our young women, 18 to 34, is skimpy, sexy clothing and a who-cares at titude. The media wants all women of this age group to be sex symbols and to do as they are told, thus preparing them for the new domestic housewife. To get any type of clothing that is comfortable, not revealing, and cheap does not exist. To achieve the respectable desired look they have to spend more money to look appropriately. With the current economy they need to save as much as possible, thus having them to resort to the image the media wants these women to follow. The media wants our youth to become the trophy wives that it has constructed our image to be. These are the only choices they have to choose from, they are still being labeled and sculpted into what ever image the media wants. The media affects each age group differently. For example a young girl in middle school is expected to be nice, sweet, smart, tidy, and above all the perfect child. Any other girl who deviates from this path is seen to be destructive by peers and adults. The adults assume that it is just a phase that a girl is rough housing and hope that she will go back to the perfect angel image. For a high school girl there is more pressure by peers and adults. The young woman is in transition from the perfect angel that the media desires to the promiscuous adult. In high school, every girl wants to be the it girl. The it girl simply means to be perfect in everyway the way the media wants them to be. They want to have that perfect body and the perfect friends and of course the perfect relationship yet, every girl is different physically and emotionally putting even more pressure on these girls to make them into the perfect woman. 90 percent of those who have eating disorders are women between the ages of 12 and 25.(Teen Health and the Media, 2010) These girls resort to hurting themselves to fit the medias standards. Can you imagine a twelve year old restricting herself from eating because she is being made fun of because she dresses like a boy because she cant fit into the clothes that are in or shes just a little over weight? These young women resort to eating disorders to fit the medias standards. They feel as though it is the only way to fit in and to be happy. The media is implanting these thoughts and acts into these young women to fit that on perfect image and to do what ever it takes to get there. Bottom line is that the free will that some may say influences the way women think or act means nothing because the choices they are given is determined by the media itself. These women have no choice but to follow in the cookie cutter image that the media wants them to have. Our societys youth is being forced into one generic style to prepare us for the next step, the traditional role of women. Its sad to think that no one seems to notice that the media is brainwashing our youth to conform into these perfect images and to crush any free will that the growing female may want to express. Work Cited Edmonds, M (2010). Are there differences between male and female bullies?. Discorvery Health, 1(1), 2. Kennedy, L (2010). Women Spend Average of Just $34 on a Pair of Jeans Poll Finds. Retrieved Oct. 25 2010., from http://www.stylelist.com/2010/07/13/women-spend-34-jeans-poll/ Kuperberg, A, Stone, P (2008). The Media Depiction of Women Who Opt Out. Gender Society, 22(4), 20. Money, J (1972). Behavior: Male Female: Differences Between Them. Time, 1. Inline Citation (Money, 1972) National Institute one Media and the Family, (2010). Body Image Nutrition- Fun Facts. Retrieved Oc. 25 2010., from http://depts.washington.edu/thmedia/view.cgi?section=bodyimagepage=fastfacts Simmons, R (2003). Odd Girl Out. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt, Inc..
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Harm of Milk Essays -- Health Nutrition Milk Essays
The Harm of Milk Got Milk? Well, Austin Powers, Tracy McGrady, Serena Williams, Britney Spears, and even Elvis all do. But, do they know what they are selling in this Got Milk? Advertisements? The Got Milk? campaign was based on a milk deprivation strategy that reminded consumers how inconvenient it was to be without milk. The advertisment made milk a very popular drink because of its attractiveness not because of the nutrients and health issues. It has been believed by many that milk is needed to have a strong and healthy body, when actually milk can be extremely harmful and the nutrients needed for a good body can be found in many other sources. Statistics show that milk consumption is on the rise in the United States since the Got Milk? campaign was launched. In 1993, 58.1 billion pounds of milk was consumed. It had risen to 59.5 billion pounds by 2002, an increase of 1.4 billion pounds (ERS, Animal Products Branch). Another factor causing the milk industry to grow is dairy farmers. They risk the collapse of their industry if the population does not consume enough milk. So, of course, the farmers are pushing us to drink not just one glass, but two and three glasses of milk a day. Their main priority is to make money by getting us to drink milk as much as possible, not to inform us that milk may not be all that healthy because we are not aware of the risks, we tip our glasses and drink up. Milk is not as nutritionally essential as it is portrayed, but rather it is harmful to our bodies. Heart disease is America ¡Ã‚ ¯s number-one killer. The main causes of this disease have been believed to be such things as smoking, stress, and even lack of companionship. However, according to an article in Earth Island Journal, milk consumption is probably the number one cause of heart disease. By the time the average American turns fifty-two, he or she will have consumed in milk and dairy products the same amount of cholesterol contained in one million slices of bacon (  ¡Ã‚ °Milk: The Deadly Poison ¡Ã‚ ±). Dairy products are the most instant source of saturated fat. Saturated fat increases cholesterol production in the liver. This leads to the formation of fatty deposits in the arteries which increase one ¡Ã‚ ¯s risk of heart attack and stroke ( ¡Ã‚ °The Case against Dairy ¡Ã‚ ±). The high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol found in milk intensify your chances of by pass surge... ...or most people, especially if you don ¡Ã‚ ¯t have some sort of workout plan. As for me I am told to drink milk to gain muscle, because it is the easiest protein for your body to take in. With all of the physical activities that I do being on the Penn State Football Team, I will have less of a risk of having heart problems than people who do not participate in physical activity. That is why it is very important to get the right amount of exercise in order to burn the excess calories from the saturated fat that is contained in regular milk. Even with all of the exercise in the world, there are still problems that can not be taken care of by the consumer. The only way to be sure that you are not going to have physical problems because of milk is to refrain from drinking regular, whole milk and to drink liquids that contain the healthier calcium and protein that milk in known for.      If you are a milk drinker, I encourage you to take a long hard look at all the risks involved with consuming this product. It could prevent you from having heart disease or other ailments associated with milk. So next time you see an advertisement for  ¡Ã‚ °Got Milk? ¡Ã‚ ± as yourself,  ¡Ã‚ °Got Something Else? ¡Ã‚ ± The Harm of Milk Essays -- Health Nutrition Milk Essays The Harm of Milk Got Milk? Well, Austin Powers, Tracy McGrady, Serena Williams, Britney Spears, and even Elvis all do. But, do they know what they are selling in this Got Milk? Advertisements? The Got Milk? campaign was based on a milk deprivation strategy that reminded consumers how inconvenient it was to be without milk. The advertisment made milk a very popular drink because of its attractiveness not because of the nutrients and health issues. It has been believed by many that milk is needed to have a strong and healthy body, when actually milk can be extremely harmful and the nutrients needed for a good body can be found in many other sources. Statistics show that milk consumption is on the rise in the United States since the Got Milk? campaign was launched. In 1993, 58.1 billion pounds of milk was consumed. It had risen to 59.5 billion pounds by 2002, an increase of 1.4 billion pounds (ERS, Animal Products Branch). Another factor causing the milk industry to grow is dairy farmers. They risk the collapse of their industry if the population does not consume enough milk. So, of course, the farmers are pushing us to drink not just one glass, but two and three glasses of milk a day. Their main priority is to make money by getting us to drink milk as much as possible, not to inform us that milk may not be all that healthy because we are not aware of the risks, we tip our glasses and drink up. Milk is not as nutritionally essential as it is portrayed, but rather it is harmful to our bodies. Heart disease is America ¡Ã‚ ¯s number-one killer. The main causes of this disease have been believed to be such things as smoking, stress, and even lack of companionship. However, according to an article in Earth Island Journal, milk consumption is probably the number one cause of heart disease. By the time the average American turns fifty-two, he or she will have consumed in milk and dairy products the same amount of cholesterol contained in one million slices of bacon (  ¡Ã‚ °Milk: The Deadly Poison ¡Ã‚ ±). Dairy products are the most instant source of saturated fat. Saturated fat increases cholesterol production in the liver. This leads to the formation of fatty deposits in the arteries which increase one ¡Ã‚ ¯s risk of heart attack and stroke ( ¡Ã‚ °The Case against Dairy ¡Ã‚ ±). The high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol found in milk intensify your chances of by pass surge... ...or most people, especially if you don ¡Ã‚ ¯t have some sort of workout plan. As for me I am told to drink milk to gain muscle, because it is the easiest protein for your body to take in. With all of the physical activities that I do being on the Penn State Football Team, I will have less of a risk of having heart problems than people who do not participate in physical activity. That is why it is very important to get the right amount of exercise in order to burn the excess calories from the saturated fat that is contained in regular milk. Even with all of the exercise in the world, there are still problems that can not be taken care of by the consumer. The only way to be sure that you are not going to have physical problems because of milk is to refrain from drinking regular, whole milk and to drink liquids that contain the healthier calcium and protein that milk in known for.      If you are a milk drinker, I encourage you to take a long hard look at all the risks involved with consuming this product. It could prevent you from having heart disease or other ailments associated with milk. So next time you see an advertisement for  ¡Ã‚ °Got Milk? ¡Ã‚ ± as yourself,  ¡Ã‚ °Got Something Else? ¡Ã‚ ±
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