Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Data Protection Essay
Introduction In this report I am going to explain data protection, talk about the data protection acts, rights and principles. I’m going to talk about a data controller and a data processor and what their responsibilities are. What personal and sensitive data are. What a data receiver is and what his rights are, what is involved in direct marketing and I will mention an example of abuse or corruption that occurred in Ireland. Data protection acts Data protection is legal control over and access to use of data stored in computers. The office of the data protection commissioner is responsible for upholding the privacy rights of individuals in relation to the processing of their personal data. The acts state the information must be accurate, only those who should have access to it do and it is only to be used for specified purposes. You have the right to access your own information and correct wrong data or even erase it. Moran (2014) states that â€Å"you can have data without information, but you cannot have information without data†. Rights and principles There are 8 principles of data protection 1. It must be collected and fairly used 2. It must only be held and used for the reasons given to the information commissioner 3. It can only be used for registered purposes and showed to those mentioned in the register entry 4. You must only have the details you need for the job you are doing 5. It must be accurate and kept up to date 6. Cannot be kept longer than necessary for the registered purpose 7. Information must be kept safe and secure, must be backed up and kept away from unauthorised access 8. Files must not be transferred outside of the EU. Unless the country it is being sent to has a suitable data protection law. Data controller Data controller is a person who controls the contents and use of personal data. â€Å"Those who, either alone or with others control the contents and use of personal data. Data controllers can be either legal entities such as companies, Government departments or voluntary organisations, or they can be individuals such as G.P’s, pharmacists or sole traders†(the office of the data protection commissioner (2014). The responsibilities of a data controller 1. Obtain and process the information fairly 2. Keep it only for one or more specified and lawful purposes 3. Process it only in ways compatible with the purposes for which it was given to you initially 4. Keep it safe and secure 5 .Keep it accurate and up-to-date 6. Ensure that it is adequate, relevant and not excessive 7. Retain it no longer than is necessary for the specified purpose or purposes 8. Give a copy of his/her personal data to any individual, on request Data processor Data processor is a person who processes personal data on behalf of a data controller but does not include an employee of a data controller who processes such data in the course of his employment. The office of the data protection commissioner (2014) states that â€Å" the data processor is distinct from the data controller for whom they are processing the personal data†¦someone who is contracted to provide a particular data processing service (e.g. a tax advisor) would be a data processor†. Personal data The office of the data protection commissioner (2014) states that â€Å"†personal data†means data relating to a living individual who is or can be identified either from the data or from the data in conjunction with other information that is in, or is likely to come into, the possession of the data controller†. Sensitive data Sensitive data is someone private information which may be related to their gender, age, race, marital status or sexual preference etc. The office of the data protection commissioner states that â€Å"relates to specific categories of data which are defined as data relating to a person’s racial origin; political opinions or religious or other beliefs; physical or mental health; sexual life; criminal convictions or the alleged commission of an offence; trade union membership. You have additional rights in relation to the processing of any such data†. Data receiver (controller) The data receiver is the data controller he/she is the person who receives the data Direct Marketing Direct marketing is giving individuals information about products and services, is it completely legal providing it respects the individual’s right to privacy. The office of the data protection commissioner states that â€Å"The basic rule that applies to direct marketing is that you need the consent of the individual to use their personal data for direct marketing purposes. As a minimum, an individual must be given a right to refuse such use of their personal data both at the time the data is collected (an â€Å"opt-out†) and, in the case of direct marketing by electronic means, on every subsequent marketing message. The â€Å"opt-out†right must be free of charge†. Abuse and Corruption in Ireland May 2010: Captain Evan Cullen versus Michael O’Leary: Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary apologised for wrongly describing a trade union official as a â€Å"failed Aer Lingus pilot†during RTE’s Prime Time in September 2006. The apology formed part of a settlement of a High Court action against him by Irish Air Line Pilots Association (IALPA) president, Captain Evan Cullen. Mr O’Leary also agreed to make a contribution to two charities by Mr Cullen as part of the settlement. In taking his defamation case Mr Cullen claimed the â€Å"failed pilot†had caused damage to his reputation both in his community and among his work colleagues. Mr Cullen said the remarks had caused â€Å"considerable upset to both himself and his family†, but that he was pleased his â€Å"good name and reputation as a pilot†has been fully vindicated. Conclusion In this report I have explained data protection, talked about the data protection acts, rights and principles. I’ve talked about a data controller and a data processor and what their responsibilities are, What personal and sensitive data are. What a data receiver is and what his rights are, what is involved in direct marketing and I have mentioned an example of abuse or corruption that occurred in Ireland. Reference list Kosta, E. (2013) Consent in European Data Law, Leiden: Nijhoff. Moran, D. (2014) â€Å"Brainy Quotes†[Online], available: [accessed 28th November 2014] Office of the data protection commissioner (2014) â€Å"A guide for data Controllers†[Online], available: [accessed 28th November 2014] Defamation Ireland (2014) â€Å"Defamation cases in Ireland†[Online], available: [accessed 28th November 2014]
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Controlling Chaos
Eric Santana Controlling Chaos There is a common understanding that growth in any aspect of the economy is a grand concept. However, when growth begins to start spreading out in such a manner that it becomes uncontrollable, there is an inherent issue. Such is the case in David Carle’s essay â€Å"Sprawling Gridlock†. Carle mentions several pervading issues and problems with the rapid growth and spread of Southern California, and outlines measures taken against the expansion.Carle’s resolve and purpose of this essay is to describe and illustrate the issue of the uncontrolled spread of urbanization, and the relation of this rapid growth to the quality of life of its inhabitants. Carle outlines rapid, spread out growth for problems such as traffic congestion, land developers putting pressure on land owners, and the accountability of citizens, businesses, and developers in financing the repairs to this damaged infrastructure.According to Carle, the traffic congestion that was consuming Southern California through the 1990’s was becoming a nightmare that threatened the livelihood of all of its participants. â€Å"Road Rage†was born and was the result of creeping, gridlocked freeways that frustrated commuters spent hours in getting from point A to point B. The spread, development, construction, and growth of urbanized communities along these freeways compounded and multiplied the severity of these congested motorways. This was costing two billion dollars in wasted time and petrol.The correlation between these motorways and the urbanized spread began in the early 1900’s. Back then, the Pacific Electric trolley cars carried more than one hundred million passengers over around one thousand miles of track. The independence an automobile represented appealed to citizens and soon changed the way they commute from â€Å"mass-transit†to â€Å"rapid-transit†. This change begun with the construction of the Arroyo Seco P arkway in 1940 (the first motorway opened in California and connected Downtown Los Angeles with Pasadena).Through 1996, California became paved with over one hundred seventy thousand miles worth of roads. However, the rapid growth and urbanized spread of Southern California did not construct fast enough to keep up with the growing mass of commuters. Solutions such as freeway widening created construction that worsened gridlock initially, created improved congestion once completed, and created a new gridlock after a couple years of growth catching up to transit. This inefficiency and spread gridlock of the Southern California motorways had an unprecedented effect on the quality of life of its citizens.Not only were the half-million hours they spent every day in their commutes having a fiscal effect, but a psychological effect as well. Not only was this evident in the increased number (and methods) of road rage incidents, but also in the manner that the time spent in traffic denied th em their personal independence. The countless hours citizens spent sitting or crawling in traffic made them feel trapped as though they were entirely limited of all ability to control their journey; the very concept that attracted Southern Californians away from timetabled mass-transit, to the complete freedom of the automobile.This growth and spread of urbanized Southern California did not only effect the commutes of their citizens, but it also effected the development pressures of their land. One of the largest population growths of Los Angeles occurred between 1970 to 1990. The forty-five percent increase in population correlated into a three hundred percent increase in developed land area. This increase of population, innovations of the motor ways, the State Water Project, and air conditioning gave birth to fastest growing cities in California (the cities on the outskirts of the Greater Los Angeles area).The spike in the population of these cities created increased pressures on land owners by land developers. The uncontrolled growth and spread of urbanization lead to estates and lands being bought out and developed. The psychological pressures and aesthetic discrepancies these land developers were created had a profound effect on the quality of life of citizens. The example Carle uses to describe the detriment on the quality of life of citizens by developers is the Warne family. The Warne family had owned orange groves on their (undeveloped) land since the 1960’s.After the passing of Henry and Ellen Warne, land developers began placing severe pressures on the descendants of the family. Land developers were already constructing â€Å"planned residential communities†outside their ranch, and were doing everything they could to purchase the last bit of land from the Warne descendants. To compound the pressures they were already facing, estate taxes were to be due that would require the descendants to pay fifty-five percent of the estates total v alue. These state taxes and land development pressures led to several farmers and land-owners having to sell their land (that soon became more developed urbanized â€Å"sprawl†). Although the Warne’s eventually were not forced to have their precious orange groves destroyed and developed, nine acres of land they owned and designated as strawberry fields were completely eradicated by developers. The method in which this land was zoned by the city created a value surpassing millions of dollars, and allowed their estate tax debts to be paid.This example illustrates an extraordinary effect on the quality of life that uncontrolled spread of urbanization manifested. The pressures by land developers and estate taxes not only lowered the quality of life for the land owner, but also for the citizens stuck in gridlock and all urbanized Southern California. The urbanized sprawl and planned residential communities replaced the open space and farmland. In the extreme developed sprea d and gridlock, those large open spaces were like sanctuaries to the urbanized mind.The effect this had on the quality of life was that uncontrolled urbanization was everywhere, and was inescapable. Aesthetically pleasing views of natural land became no longer present in the communities of Southern California, and created a psychological void of â€Å"nature†in the urbanized mind of its citizens. Beyond the physical appeal and traffic congestion, the sprawl was having a negative effect upon air pollution and endangered species as well. Finally, coalitions began deciding that developers, businesses, and citizens must start being accountable in financing repairs to this damaged infrastructure.After California was declared the most urbanized state in the nation, the publication of Beyond Sprawl: New Patterns of Growth to Fit the New California was released in 1995. In this publication, there was a call to arms for â€Å"smarter growth†in developing areas and communities . It also called for the redevelopment of some already developed business and residential districts as well as encourages high-density inhabitance. Beyond Sprawl illustrated that the expenses of public services and infrastructure are hardly ever paid by development profits or taxes incurred to new businesses and residents.This meant that all development that spread out around Southern California had to start financing the marginal costs imposed in the area. The publication figured schools, sewage systems, transportation facilities, water systems and other municipal systems into the equation of calculating infrastructure costs. The total cost of infrastructure repair according to Beyond Sprawl was $24,500 for each new single-family residence; an unrealistic solution to solving the urbanized problems.Accordingly, accumulating additional tax payers to pay into the subsidy pool was the only logistic method of sustaining the subsidization of infrastructure repair and growth. The effect t his would have on the quality of life of individuals in a community would mean less encouragement to engage in government planning and decision making processes due to the distribution of costs. This publication eventually led up to the 1987 growth control initiative on the Orange County ballot.This initiative was forged by citizens to put limits and control on urbanized growth, but was defeated when special interests opposition spent 2. 5 million dollars to defeat the campaign. The effect this had on the quality of life was quite negative because no growth controls were able to get implemented, and nobody could be accountable for financing infrastructure repairs and growth. The effects of the uncontrolled growth and urbanized spread of Southern California are greatly impacted upon its inhabitants.They range from unbearable traffic congestion (wasted time, money, and freedom), to total loss of any natural scenery (open space and farmland destroyed for development). From the species of animals that have become endangered do to these developments, to the pressures of special interest developers upon honest, hard-working land owners. All of these effects have greatly deteriorated and relinquished the quality of life that the citizens of Southern California once moved here to attain. A literal sprawling gridlock has a substantial effect on all aspects of urbanized life.From birth to adolescence, adolescence to adulthood, and adulthood to an elderly age, the urbanized spread influences all aspects of life. During adolescence, an individual growing up in a sprawling gridlock is influenced by the distance and time they must travel to do necessary activities (such as education, recreation, medical attention etc. ). The individual is influenced by the travel they must complete to achieve their tasks. When in route, they do not see open spaced, natural land. They see miles upon miles of pavement and urbanization. This may have a detrimental ffect upon their psyche as th eir minds process the artificial scenery of sprawled gridlock. This urbanized spread influences raising a family by limiting the number of activities a family may do. Due to the incredible gridlock that congested freeways create, families have less opportunity to go new places and do new things. This creates a barrier between families and the outside world. Without the ability to have leisurely outings as a family, the quality of life for that family is dramatically less than that of a family living outside of the urbanized sprawl.Likewise in building a community, the sprawled gridlock limits the possibilities in having a thriving, happy community. Without the ability or land to build and maintain parks, a community is nothing more than a large spread of houses. There is no way for a community to assemble or have recreational activities in the wake of these negative effects. Land developers and sprawling gridlock completely consumed everything, and left nothing more for communities to share. This extremely hinders the building of a happy community.Overall the sprawling gridlock is a complete determent and contradiction to a high quality life of its inhabitants. One may not be able to engage in complete personal freedom and independence if one is caught living in â€Å"the sprawl†. From the congested freeways to the concrete jungle, one cannot escape from the effects of rapid urbanization. The relationship between unregulated urbanized growth and the quality of the life for its inhabitants is a sprawled gridlock indeed.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Chapter One The Press In Mauritius Media Essay
Chapter One The Press In Mauritius Media Essay For the health of democracy, access to information is really essential. In any democracy, citizens have the rights and responsibilities to participate in public matters. Knowledge about a society is obtained through free debates, newspapers, magazines, television and radio. All these are possible when there is a free and independent press. In all democratic countries, freedom of the press has been a treasured right. Press freedom is a pillar of democracy [ 1 ]  . Often, the press is referred as the fourth pillar of a country [ 2 ]  . Such freedom should be free from interference of the state. The preservation of the freedom of the press may be done through constitutional or legal protections. In the present chapter, the definition and the importance of the press freedom will be analyzed first. Then, the evolution and development of the written and audio-visual press in Mauritius will be examined before considering the constitutional foundation of the freedom of the pre ss of the country. 1.1 Freedom of Press 1.1.1 Definition of freedom of the press Everywhere in the world, the meaning of press freedom differs. Different countries possess different degrees of freedom of the press [ 3 ]  . This suggests that freedom of the press is not absolute in the world [ 4 ]  . In universal terms, defining freedom of the press is difficult. Various definitions to freedom of the press have been attributed by different scholars and in many text books. Lieberman (1953) defined freedom of the press as the right to serve, without government interference and with police protection, and the most fundamental right of freedom of information [ 5 ]  . As for Dennis and Merrill (1996), freedom of the press is the right to communicate ideas, opinions, and information through the printed world without government restraint [ 6 ]  . For both authors, the â€Å"right to share information†and â€Å"no government intrusion†is among the main elements of this freedom. For other scholars, free press is an independent adversary [ 7 ]  performing the function of watchdog preventing the State from aggrandizing and abusing the rights of its citizen. Freedom of the press is not only the right of media; it is the right of the citizens also. Going back to history, in 1791, freedom of the press was legally guaranteed by the U.S Constitution, â€Å"congress shall make no lawà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦abridging the freedom of speech or of the pressà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ Freedom of the press was recognized by the National Assembly of France in the Article 11 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. This freedom was considered to be a fundamental right in Europe and in the United States. In 1948, the United Nations declared it a universal right and adopted Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Freedom of the press is derived from the fundamental right of freedom of information. The latter is a à ¢â‚¬Å"human right and the touchstone of all the freedoms. It implies the right to gather, transmit and publish news anywhere and everywhere without fetters† [ 8 ]  . The rights to seek and to disseminate information are of particular importance to the press. Along with freedom of information, freedom of expression also plays an essential role in press freedom. In
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Social Work Field Supervision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Social Work Field Supervision - Essay Example From the beginning, she would not look me in the eye and seemed considerably nervous. I had noticed that whenever someone walked past Jones, she always tightened up as though ready to become reactive. As I gained the child’s trust, I began to approach her with concepts regarding the learning contract, as a mutual agreement that works toward a common goal. Jones indicated enthusiastically that she enjoyed school, letting me understand that we could talk comfortably about the subject in detail. I worked to let Jones understand that she is in charge of her own learning and completing that objective involved good behavior. Her stance became immediately defiant and she resumed her previous gesturing of dissatisfaction. As the child has a tendency to become hyper-stimulated, I quickly shifted the discussion back to a more positive school environment. In this case, the preferred learning style is that of reflective observation, under Kolb’s theory. This individual is â€Å"impartial†, â€Å"tentative†, and â€Å"reflective†and generally makes very careful observations; an introvert (, n.d.). It is oftentimes easier to see the world through an observational lens without the barriers to self-exploration that might be caused by noise in the communication process inflicted by the social environment. Having a student like Jones, who clearly maintained a preferred learning style of concrete experience, made the interview a feelings-based discussion. Jones relied heavily on her peer guidance and tended to lean less toward authority in the process. When discussing school, she was enthusiastic, another evidence of peer reliance. When attempting to discuss the learning contract with Jones, she was open and direct with discussion when the emphasis of the discussion involved school activities. Being an observational learner ensures I am lecture-oriented with a somewhat rational approach,
Is the information society a coherent concept Essay
Is the information society a coherent concept - Essay Example Virtually, there are no segments of human life which are unaffected by information. In political, social, and economic circles, information is vital. The growth of computer and internet related technologies increased the importance of information on human life. These technologies help human life in many ways at present. The term information society has gained popularity only in recent times, after the developments of computer and internet related technologies. An information society is one that makes the best possible use of ICTs. It is a society in which the quality of life, as well as prospects for social change and economic development, depend increasingly upon information and its exploitation. In such a society, living standards, patterns of work and leisure, the education system, and marketplace are all influenced by advances in information and knowledge (Ogbomo & Ogbomo, 2008, p.1). Life without computers or internet is unimaginable at present. Any problems occur to computers or internet may cause huge damages to human life. It should not be forgotten that humankind was under tremendous pressure when Y2K problem aroused early in the beginning of the twenty-first century. â€Å"Everyone has his or her more or less well formed opinion about the information society, the Internet and its influence on our everyday lives even if they have never used a computer or surfed the Internet†(Pinter, 2008, p.12). Even a layman understands the importance of computers, internet and information at present. Under such circumstances, the concept of information society should be considered as a coherent one. An information society can be built if the people and the government have the will to do so. A development oriented information society is a society in which everyone ‘can create, access, utilize and share information and knowledge, enabling individuals, communities and peoples to achieve their full potential in promoting their sustainable
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Overview of the Issue Presented in the News Article Essay
Overview of the Issue Presented in the News Article - Essay Example The facility of child tax credit facilitates families to have certain amount of credit for all dependent children in against federal income tax. Moreover, the article describes that in the US, there are various sorts of programs which are initiated with the objective of assisting the poor. These programs include healthcare facilities as well as tax benefits for facilitating the people who are in need. These are the factors which are involved in the article with regard to poverty in the US (The Economist Newspaper Limited, 2012). Model or Economic Theory of Poverty The model or economic theory which is related with the issue i.e. poverty as depicted in the news article is as follows: Neo-classical Theory The model or economic theory of poverty which is related with the issue i.e. poverty in the news article is the neoclassical theory. The neoclassical theory states that income is distributed in accordance with the hard work as well as skills which are devoted by individuals. In this r espect, the people who are poor are considered to be lazy as well as to be lacking in terms of competencies to perform their activities in an efficient manner. Moreover, in accordance with this theory, wage structure is also determined to be a major factor for poverty. The wage structures of laborers are not sufficient in order to bear up the cost of living of the whole family. Moreover, the competencies of laborers assist in determining the wages to be offered. The laborers are paid according to their skills as well as abilities. Thus, this theory is also based on the concept of marginal productivity conceptions. The workers are required to devote significant time in work with the intention of acquiring... he model or economic theory of poverty which is related with the issue i.e. poverty in the news article is the neoclassical theory. The neoclassical theory states that income is distributed in accordance with the hard work as well as skills which are devoted by individuals. In this respect, the people who are poor are considered to be lazy as well as to be lacking in terms of competencies to perform their activities in an efficient manner. Moreover, in accordance with this theory, wage structure is also determined to be a major factor for poverty. The wage structures of laborers are not sufficient. Moreover, the competencies of laborers assist in determining the wages to be offered. The laborers are paid according to their skills as well as abilities. Thus, this theory is also based on the concept of marginal productivity conceptions. The workers are required to devote significant time in work with the intention of acquiring enough financial resources for supporting their families as well as meeting all their requirements in an effective manner. The neo-classical economic theory states as well as predicts the different causes of poverty which include the notion that individuals seek to improve their respective economic conditions without any consideration for other individuals. This signifies that individuals invest with the motive of improving their respective well-being. The poor people in this regard do not possess enough incentives for improving their financial positions.
Friday, July 26, 2019
British Imperialism in Africa Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
British Imperialism in Africa - Research Paper Example Despite control over few regions of Africa, British imperialism had long lasting effects that contribute to bring change in various sectors of the African regions including social, economical, cultural, and political. In this paper, we shall discuss the role of British imperialism in Africa from 1870 to 1900 and its socio-cultural impact on African colonies. British Imperialism in Africa Historical records witness British Imperialism in Africa from 1870 to 1900 which resulted in division of Africa into seven major regions of Europe. It is found that many western powers intended to establish their rule in African regions; similarly, between 1870 and 1990, Great Britain showed efforts to consolidate its foothold on the African coast in order to expand their rule over the continent of Africa1. The British rule mainly focused on regions which open gate for profitable trade and marketing and contributed to further strengthen their economy. It is noteworthy that during 1869 to 1870 the Bri tish rule was focusing on profitable trade and market, but it stepped forward towards Africa which is not a financially strong region. Additionally, Africa had various conflicting issues within its state boundaries, but still the British Empire attempted to invade its major parts2. ... wed the British to take control over their West coast for palm oil because the native politicians were aware of the fact that they cannot avail their own natural resource without the British support4. Another reason behind expansion of England and interest of Britain in the African lands was its biggest money generator, India. In 1875, British intended to make their route towards India in order to do so it bought shares in Suez Canal of Egypt and after the battles of Tel el Kabir and the Nile, British gained entire control over Egypt, a major power of Africa5. Further in 1877, again British had fear of losing India thus they made a way by invading South Africa because Cape Town was an important route towards India6. In South Africa there were two threatening groups for the British Empire Bores and Zulus. In 1879, British power was defeated by Bores and after two decades they went for War with Zulus in 1899 because they badly wanted to save their route to India7. It has also been noti ced that gaining profit through trade was the major aim of the British Imperialism in Africa and addition of colonies can only bring more profit to them. Furthermore, British considered that African colonies would help them gain allies and aid them in winning economic war they had with Germany8. Moreover, in 1898 a war started between France and Britain over small colonies near Niger River and consequently Britain captured Khartoum. Until 1900, the British Imperialism got over many colonies of Africa and by the end of Imperialism Africa was divided into seven European regions. The division and strong influence of the British Imperialism in Africa had affected social and cultural aspects of the European communities9. Social and Cultural Impact on Africa British Imperialism left destructive
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The role of innocence in the exoneration process Essay
The role of innocence in the exoneration process - Essay Example However, this is not always to be, and there is always the likelihood that an innocent person is convicted2. This paper attempts to explain ways that people wrongly convicted get proof of their innocence. The causes of wrong convictions are wide ranging and comprise all features of the pre-trial and trial stages of the criminal justice process ranging from false allegations, incompetent police investigation, police misconduct, erroneous forensic science and evidence, and poor representation from criminal defense lawyers. Once an alleged victim of an unjust conviction has lost their appeal, there is a slight opportunity that the courts will be in a position to stop the conviction3. In these cases, victims of wrongful convictions are likely to have exhausted the legal aid unit and it will be up to them, their friends, supporters, families, pro-bono lawyers and voluntary groups to uncover the evidence of innocence and present it to the relevant authorities such as the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC). 2Investigating a suspected wrongful conviction is a long and challenging process. Cases of high profile injustices like the Cardiff Newsagent Three and Sean Hodgson show that it can take several years of investigation before the evidence that leads to the quashing of the conviction is found4. Many projects that attempt to exonerate innocent people out of prison have come up. One such project is the Innocence Network project founded in 1992 whose principle objective is to get as many innocent people out of prison as possible and turn the experience of these people into a learning experience that could help repair the systematic failings in the criminal justic e system5. The project exonerates people by use of post-conviction DNA where the DNA from the crime scene is tested against the DNA of the accused. Often, people wrongly convicted of serious crimes like homicide or abuse has
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Small Business Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Small Business - Case Study Example With the impetus given by the government on creating infrastructure, not only for the local population, but for the perceived needs of the tourists, I had a feeling the tourism industry would pick up in a great way in our region. There have been fast food joints operating in our area for quite sometime, but these predominantly serve American food. There were one or two eateries serving local food, but the service was not upto the mark. The need of the hour was to open a restaurant which could cater to an international clientele , and yet allow them to experiment with the local cuisine, if they felt like. Yes, I had made up my mind to exploit this potential and open a budget restaurant,which could cater to the growing number of tourists, who wanted to have cuisines from all over the world and were willing to experiment the local flavours too. Location plays a very important role in determining the success or failure of a business venture, especially a small business venture, like an eatery. The business and revenues would most certainly depend on the number of persons visiting this outlet. So, I had to make sure that it was in the heart of the city or such appropriate place , where tourists would flock for a good bargain. Luckily, an existing eatery was on sale, very close to the city center and I finalized on it. It had only one floor built, so, I could add some more floors, in case my venture was successful. Finance/Credit The cost of the building with the existing unit was 5000. Mobilizing such a huge amount was a nightmare. Somehow, I was able to mortgage my house and apply for a loan from the Bank of . My papers were cleared and I had been sanctioned and amount of 3000 from the bank, to be repaid over a period of ten years. I was able to arrange the rest of the amount as loans from friends and relatives. Next I had to think about the workers, their salaries, cost of renovations etc. Workers We decided to start with a minimum number of workers. The family members would have to pitch in as and when they had a chance. My wife and I would take care of the restaurant in the day and my college-going son was asked to help in the evenings, as the rush would be too much for the two of us to handle. So, we needed minimum help in the form of 1. cook-1 2. servers/helpers-2 Apportioning a salary of 100 for the cook, and 50 each for the servers, we would have the rest of the profits. The cost of raw materials had to be factored in, which would work out to 100 during lean days and any where from 200-300 during the tourist season. Marketing Investing a reasonable amount in marketing and creating consumer awareness has its own benefits for any business. We set aside a sum of 500 fro placing advertisements in in-flight magazines, and pamphlets to be distributed at tourist spots. Once people starting visiting us, our reputation would depend more on the word of mouth. We had to be very careful in treating each customer and paying individual attention. Our place had to be spanking clean and
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Analysis and Evaluation of Current Curricula to Improve Student Coursework
Analysis and Evaluation of Current Curricula to Improve Student Learning and Success - Coursework Example nificant impacts to the overall development of the students both academically and socially, hence the need for the assessment and the need for simultaneous transformational within the institution’s curriculum. As such, this manuscript will assess the curriculum of Centervale University, and evaluate the diversity aspects of the courses, and thereby propose transformational measures, endeavored at improving diversity. The manuscript will look into the community college section of the institution. The college section’s mission is to produce competent graduates that are well acquainted with academic, as well as social aspects, suitable for the job market. The institution’s vision is to advance its courses that include sciences, arts and other courses while incorporating the social aspects that promote diversity to place them for employment (Lindsay & Blanchett, 2011). The document employs the Comprehensive Curriculum Assessment Plan (CCAP) model to review both the academic and other curricula aspects of the college, in its endeavor to improve diversity. From the assessment, various elements are critical within the organization. It is evident that numerous universities across the region (including Centervale build their curricula, with a key consideration of the local students. This aspect disregards the facts that, owing to development and expansion, these institutions ought to grow, thereby creating a significant gap for the diverse students they ought to enroll (Basit & Tomlinson, 2012). This creates significant challenges to the foreign students and gives unwarranted advantages to the locals. As such, the foreign students experience bias, and this elicits discrimination, and hinders diversity, as it is evident in Centervale University. The University of Centervale does not incorporate enough courses that promote the diversity through the open admission of its various schools. This has critically affected diversity and equally among its growing number of
Stress and Anger Management and Communication Styles Essay Example for Free
Stress and Anger Management and Communication Styles Essay College Education is the end of uphill battle for students. These vital and rigorous educations provide greater opportunities in life. A lot of hardships are faced by college students and stress is one major factor that contributes to it. Mismanagement of stress causes burnouts. Common factors of stress are time management, financial problems, sleep deprivation, social activities, health, etc. Hatcher and Prus (1991) named these stress factors as academic situational constraints. Their study accounts these factors that decrease academic performances. Being in a new environment may be a cause for students to encounter different problems while going through their college life. These problems may involve the inability to fit in or to mingle with the people around them, difficulties in managing time or their schedules easily, coping up with the new knowledge that is being given to them. Experiences such as the ones mentioned may cause stress to the students. Stress, which may affect their dealing with other people and their ability to manage the things around them. Even in the midst of facing these problems, students are still able to adapt or think of ways to cope up with them. It takes time to be comfortable around new people or environment but once someone gets the hang of it, eventually, they will find it easier. Skills with time management may be develop through the days or weeks that students have to go through. Learning, though different in styles in all individuals, could eventually adapt. These problems that they encounter and their adaptability to them are natural to humans. The behavior toward others falls somewhere on a spectrum between toxic effect and nourishing effect. Toxic behavior makes people feel devalued, angry, frustrated, guilty or otherwise inadequate. Nourishing behavior makes people feel valued, respected, affirmed, encouraged or competent (Albrecht, 2000). It is an ability that is termed as social intelligence. Such ability â€Å"includes an awareness of situations and the social dynamics that govern them and a knowledge of interaction styles and strategies that can help a person achieve his or her objectives in dealing with others†. Stress and anger possess threats that may put our health in danger. Today, there are increasing level of stress in both men and women. The mishandled anger of teenagers may result from further problems like being involved in scandalous acts, declining of mental health, deviant behavior, etc. The researchers believe that individuals possess the unique blend of intelligences. The researchers want to find out how our intelligence with intrapersonal and interpersonal affects the control of stress and anger. The study may provide enlightenment with the ability to understand ourselves and the ability to interact with other people. Other studies focus only on communication styles, stress management or anger management individually. Some correlates the communication styles to the stress management while some focus on the correlation of stress to the anger management. Studies of anger management are rarely focused on. This study focuses on the accumulation of communication styles and the stress and anger management and their correlation to each other. It relates to other studies in a way that the results are already combined and compared to one another. Statement of the Problem The main purpose of the study is to compare the difference of the interpersonal and intrapersonal ability scores and determine if it affects the stress and anger management of PLM Freshmen Psychology students. Specifically, the researchers aim to answer the following questions: 1. What is the level of stress management of the students under? 1.1Intrapersonal 1.2Interpersonal 2. What is the level of anger management of the students under? 2.1Intrapersonal 3. Is there a significant difference in the level of stress management of the students under. 3.1Intrapersonal 3.2Interpersonal 4. Is there a significant difference in the level of anger management of the students? 4.1Intrapersonal 4.2Interpersonal Hypotheses The study was designed to test the hypotheses: 1) There is no significant difference in the level of stress and anger management of respondents under the communication styles, intrapersonal and interpersonal. Significance of the Study Students, teachers, guidance counselors and other researchers interested in the field of social science may find this study useful for their own work. The results of this study can provide students with information regarding the ideal communication styles in order to manage their stress. This study can also provide teachers and counselors with the background to help their students with their relation to their studies and other researchers with literature for their related research undertaking. The study is predicted to provide information that can be used in understanding and improving the stress management of students. Scope and Limitations The study was focused on determining the difference of interpersonal ability and intrapersonal ability of Bachelor of Science in Psychology freshmen student this School Year 2012-2013 in dealing with stress and anger management. The study area was limited only at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, Intramuros, Manila. The researchers decided to choose freshmen, since first year students are new in college and are more prone to stress and feel difficult to handle situations because of the new environment, responsibilities and friends to adhere in college years. In gathering the data needed, three sets of questionnaire were used. The test for stress management, anger management and multiple intelligence tests but only the social intelligence where the interpersonal and intrapersonal ability are considered. Though different, the concepts however of each questionnaire are related and useful to combine all the supported data for the study. Also the researchers did not include and emphasi ze the relationship of intrapersonal ability and interpersonal ability. CHAPTER TWO THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Review of Related Literature and Studies Interpersonal and Stress In a new environment, people will learn to adapt eventually. But while in the process of adaptation, these people will experience stress, anxiety, and anger from their surroundings. Even in an academic setting, instances about adapting also happen especially when it is the start of a school year or when someone has reached a new or high grade level. This study focuses on the ability of the students to adapt in a new environment in the college level. The CS Translator (2000) mentioned that college life is full of new experiences and anxieties. It can be the best of times and the worst of times. Meeting new people, learning, and being on their own are the best. Falling behind in class, pulling an â€Å"all-nighters†and final exams can be the worst; sometimes the best of times leads to the worst of times. Students who spend too much time meeting new people and â€Å"socializing†find themselves skipping class, falling behind on assignments and â€Å"bombing†exams. Orino (2011) added that College life is also a time of enormous stress – a time of confusion, loneliness and uncertainty and never to be experienced again from the vantage point of a young adult whose perspective is clouded by inexperience, insecurity and the struggles of discovering a separate identity. Being in the adolescent stage, the college freshman’s adjustment to college highly depends on the personal quality he possess in order to cope up with the various demands of college life. This is where stress plays a big role. It affects an individual in many ways – even in the little things. Stress is something that is never to be missed in college life. It is defined as the nonspecific response of the body to any pressures made by it. In other words, any reaction or response your body makes to a new situation is stress (Barcase, 2007). Socializing with the people in the surroundings and getting to know them can be a source of stress. There are cases when people who don’t have high interpersonal ability get stressed when interacting with others. Merely meeting and talking to a stranger, an acquaintance, or even a friend can be stressful if we don’t know what to say or how to act (Barcarse, 2007). When stress gets in the way of interacting, the interpersonal aspect of the life of a student affects their academic performance and therefore be stressed when they struggle to cope with new lessons or when they are loaded with lessons to be reviewed before taking exams. Students are also very stressed and anxious when they are experiencing new educational settings. In college, many students are experiencing changes in grading standards, course load, teaching practices, peer group, and parental contact. Some have difficulty adapting to the changes of college transition and revealed that high school is very much different from college (Sison, 2008). It is during these times when students feel amotivation. Amotivation is a state in which individuals cannot perceive the relationship between their behaviour and that behaviour subsequent outcome. Amotivated individuals cannot predict the consequence of their behaviour nor can they see the motive behind it. They feel disintegrated or detached from their actions and will thus invest little effort or energy in its effectuation (Green-Demers, et. al, 2006). When these individuals are amotivated, there will be changes in their behaviour, in their point of view or even the way they view things. Some noticeable changes whether sudden or gradual can include changes in mood, eating, and sleeping habits, substance use, increased isolation, peer pressure, identity crisis, and feeling helpless or hopeless. In the long run, such symptoms, as well as the pressure of life’s demands if not handled properly, can lead to poor adjustment to university and ultimately, to experiencing a crisis situation, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts or severe anxiety or depression, to the point that everyday activities become difficult to accomplish and academic performance was affected (Sison, 2008). Patrick, Ryan and Kaplan (2007) examined perceptions of the classroom social environment as it relates with engagement in classroom. It was found that when students feel a sense of emotional support from teacher, academic support from peers and encouragement from teacher to discuss their work, students are more likely to use self-regulatory strategies and engaged in task-related interaction. This shows that social environment affect student’s academic and social beliefs about themselves, which in turn affects their behaviour and cognitive engagement in class and then their achievement. This shows that even when stress affects the students’ interaction with other students; they may still be able to handle it well if they have a good feel about their surrounding and the people around them. One way to resist stress is to have a good interpersonal relationship with the people around or to have a good feel about oneself. Learning how to handle or control the things around an individual makes him or herself more confident. Self-confidence and feeling in control of life are immensely valuable when it comes to fending off negative stress. Something as apparently flimsy as attitude and self-esteem has a very big impact. One of the strands found in the techniques is looking at building self-esteem (Clegg, 2000). Aside from the interpersonal aspect, students can also experience stress in the intrapersonal aspect. Stressing themselves or sometimes it’s when their emotions are flared up or when their angry. According to Remedios Alcazaren-Ureta (2011), anger management is simply an aspect of managing stress, since anger is a symptom of stress. O’Neil (2006) emphasized that â€Å"It is widely assumed that anger occurs as a result of frustration, perceived threat or a belief that a personal injustice has occurred. Common triggers are social or interpersonal in nature†¦ The individual’s appraisal of a situation, including expectation of himself or herself and others†. Synthesis The researchers believe that each and every stated in this research is related in this study. The literature and studies supported each concept in the study by depicting actual and normal situations of a college student at home and in school. The literature and studies also emphasized the importance of stress and anger management to the improvement of the communication styles of students. The related literature and studies stated in this research did not entirely support the correlation in the difference of scores in the stress and anger management of students, it only shows that these justifies both side of the study. Theoretical Framework Freshmen students, as becoming new to the university they tend to have difficulties in coping with the new environment. Becoming friends with other students need skills in communicating their feelings and thoughts these pertains to their Intrapersonal and Interpersonal abilities. These pertain to the Social Intelligence theory which is the ability to get along well with others, and to get them to cooperate with you. Sometimes referred to simplistically as people skills, SI includes an awareness of situations and the social dynamics that govern them and knowledge of interaction styles and strategies that can help a person achieve his or her objectives in dealing with others. It also involves a certain amount of self-insight and a consciousness of ones own perceptions and reaction patterns. (Dr. Karl Abrecht, 2004) Handling stress and anger means controlling yourself in order to be in harmony with the environment. In students, stress can decline your mental process, health and the relationship towards other people. Friends can be a stress towards you or your friends can be affected by your stress. Same as anger, it brings trouble to students when they cannot control their negative feelings to others. By being new to the environment, stress and anger mishandle may arise and that the â€Å"people skill†is needed for adaptation in the environment. It all comes to one’s self to overcome stress and anger. College life brings new experiences as well as frustrations. Freshmen college students are more prone to face these. A new freshman college student must learn to balance his social and emotional skills in order to cope up with the demands of college life. The stress and frustrations caused by the new adjustments made by the students may test their social or interpersonal abilities for they make new friendships and interact simultaneously with people not familiar to them. It is also assumed that these new companions have different personalities which can make interacting with them more stressful for students. Since they are also pressured and overwhelmed by the heavy loads of work, freshmen students become aggressive and frustrated when their efforts results to failure. With these instances given, the interpersonal abilities of the students can be correlated to their stress and anger management in school because students with high social skills can handle stress caused by the people around them. As Dr. Albrecht (2004) stated, that Social Intelligence (SI) is the ability to get along well with others, and to get them to cooperate with you. It is also referred to simplistically as people skills,†SI includes an awareness of situations and the social dynamics that govern them and knowledge of interaction styles and strategies that can help a person achieve his or her objectives in dealing with others. The frustrations brought by the pressure of school works and requirements may also trigger anger to students. The emotional intelligence of students is challenged in these situations and these can be correlated in their anger management. Students who are insightful can handle frustrations and they will not always resolve to aggression or anger. According to Salovey and Mayer’s (1990), emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions. In a new environment, people will learn to adapt eventually. But while in the process of adaptation, these people will experience stress, anxiety, and anger from their surroundings. Even in an academic setting, instances on adapting also happen especially when it is the start of a school year or when someone has reached a new or higher grade level. This study focuses on the ability of the students to adapt in a new environment in the college level. The CS Translator (2000) mentioned that college life is full of new experiences and anxieties. It can be the best of times and the worst of times. Meeting new people, learning, and being on their own are the best. Falling behind in class, pulling an â€Å"all-nighters†and final exams can be the worst; sometimes the best of times lead to the worst of times. Students who spend too much time meeting new people and â€Å"socializing†find themselves skipping class, falling behind in assignments and â€Å"bombing†exams. Stress is inevitable part of daily life of every individual. Most especially in college students who are more prone with it. New places to acclimate, major subjects that will drive you crazy, sleepless nights due to exams, reports and assignments and lastly strangers who’ll you meet and eventually will become one of your friends or the reason of your stress. By this, stress can trigger our well-being inside and out. This may also lead to the point where we can’t restrain anymore and get a strong feeling of displeasured namely anger. By knowing and realizing the situation your own, we have this efficiency in dealing with our everyday problems. It may come to our inner strength where we have this certain control of our emotion or to the environment and people around us whom we get this urge to stay calm and be reserve. Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence has a great influence in the research to be performed by the researchers in this thesis. Gardner’s MI (Multiple Intelligence) determines the intelligence of an individual including the Intrapersonal ability and Interpersonal ability. With this theory the researchers will determine the Social Intelligence of an individual (Interpersonal and Intrapersonal). This theory will be the researcher’s basis to determine whether which kind of personality will be the greatest in case of handling stress and anger management. According to Gardner; Intrapersonal persons are the ones who are independent and happy spending time alone, they find it easier to learn by thinking and working quietly on their own. Intrapersonal has a determined character who might not be as at risk to peer pressure, they also has a good idea of their own strengths and weaknesses. On the other hand Interpersonal are considerate persons, they enjoy mixing and talking with lots of friends, they also enjoy playing team games and share thoughts and feelings to others. They also has a good ability to tell how others are feeling by their tone of voice or body language, people often come to this kind of persons for support and advice. Lastly they genuinely care about others and finds it easy to get on their own way. Social Intelligence is the ability to get along with others this includes the awareness of situations, knowledge of interaction styles and strategies that can help a person achieve his/her objectives in dealing with others. It also involves a certain amount of self-insight and a consciousness of one’s own perceptions and reaction patterns. SI (Social Intelligence) will serve as a way of determining a person’s interaction with others. A low level of SI may connote the inability to connect with people and influence them effectively. This happens to be a characteristic of a person with a high Intrapersonal Ability. Conversely, a high level of SI may connote the ability of a person being much more effective in dealing and interacting with others, this is a characteristic of a person with a high level of Interpersonal Ability. Freshmen Psychology Students Conceptual Paradigm Multiple Intelligence Test INTRAPERSONAL INTERPERSONAL Anger Management Stress Management Anger Management Stress Management To be able to accomplish the study, the researchers made an organizational chart or framework on how the study will flow. The respondents, will be given the Multiple Intelligence Test. The test will identify the ability to which an individual is greatest, either Interpersonal or Intrapersonal. After identifying the ability of the student, the researchers will administer the next test, the Burn out Test. This test will determine the Stress Management and likewise, the Anger Management Test will determine the level of anger management of an individual with of Interpersonal and Intrapersonal ability. Definition of Terms Stress Management it is the ability of BS Psychology freshmen to handle stress caused by external factors. Anger Management – it is the ability of BS Psychology freshmen to handle frustrations within oneself. Interpersonal ability – ability to communicate effectively with people around the individual. Intrapersonal ability – ability to handle emotions effectively, particularly anger. Correlation – refers to how communication styles related to stress and anger management Communication Style – refers to the intrapersonal and interpersonal ability of an individual Mismanagement – inability of the person to organize emotions or situations such as stress and anger Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Ability Scores- Data or result gathered from the social intelligence category under multiple intelligence test of the BS Psychology freshmen.
Monday, July 22, 2019
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Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Final Strategic Direction For The Company Mcdonalds Marketing Essay
The Final Strategic Direction For The Company Mcdonalds Marketing Essay The concept of strategic positioning was considered to be a part of marketing terminology which is capable to explain the other marketing tools configuration such as price, product, place and promotion. It is generally exploited to explain the position of the organization in the market in a particular segment. This will help to improve the shares in the market, dominance, improve the profits by efficient use of factors such as cost, location, service in order to increase the ROI. Many organizations may gain particular position in any one of the 4 Ps and gaining in all is very complex and difficult as is generally aimed to attract the consumers. The strategic position is a complicated concept which require more complex commerce functioning which may generally increase the overheads to a company. For the effective planning of a strategic positioning in an organization more efficient and sophisticated tools and techniques and information are required. This concept is practiced when the organization tend to spread in to various other segments of the souk from the existing segment.(Middleton, J. (2003). The strategic positioning can be based on the insight of consumers which will determine the nature and requirement of the clients. This will assist the management for a better decision making in the form of marketing planning, strategic marketing and development of novel products. An in-depth analysis is required for a better interaction of the brand with the consumers. This will help to estimate the perceptions, attitudes, values, beliefs and trends of the current market. Jim Downey October 2007, the strategic positioning of an organization is carried to plan for the future of the organization that may include various steps such as: Concept of future obligation of the organization Collection of the information which is a multifold task such as internal and external data of the company along with the estimation and assessment of the rivals company and its indifferent services and products. Critical analysis of various factors of the organization Strategy determination either by continuing the originally practiced strategy or by altering as per the study and requirement. Finally implementation of the strategy in order to accomplish the objectives and mission of the organization. Concept and definition of Strategic Positioning: Thomas A. McLaughlin has explained the concept of strategic positioning as the position aspired by the organization. The concept is achieved by entertaining certain step by step procedure such as crafting the mission of the organization or reiterate the previous mission the organizational and souk examination screening of the internal optimistic conditions making over the position of the company in next few years the premeditated arrangements of the organization has to be amalgamated achievement plan has to be exercised accordingly The author describes that the concept of strategic planning has eventually transformed into the concept of strategic positioning. The following is considered to be various factors which are involved to achieve a Strategic Positioning of any organization. Figure no. 1: Factors of Strategic Positioning in the organization Ref: Thomas A. McLaughlin, Strategic Positioning Mind Your Strengths, Focus on the Future From the above figure, it is evident that the implementation of the concept of strategic positioning in any organization is possible through proper amalgamation of the factors such as: Vision Mission Resources Strategic planning Structure of the organization The vision, mission, objectives and values are characterized by every organization to improve its efficiency. This is shown in order in the following figure: Figure no. 2: Vision, Mission, statement of organizations Ref: Ref:,%20Mission%20and%20Value%20Statements.pdf Vision: the basic aspect of Vision is to grant an outlook image of the organization in advance. This is carried on a visualization otherwise a delusion. These may include the following factors like: Enlarge the probable fore look It is ashored in actual circumstances necessitates audacity derived from resonant principles and morals Mission: every business live with a reason. The term Mission sums up to a declaration by recognizing the basis on which an organization exists along with its purpose or upcoming goals. These declarations recognize the companys community and deal with its situation about philosophy, morals, and values of application. Strategic Planning: Strategic planning helps to determine the fact that where the company at present and what are its targets and is considered as a bit higher than marketing. All the aspects like H.R, economics, I.T, procedures, appointing, back-up tactics, framework, user interface, work place outline and the variables which influence the venture along with its efficiency, can be persuaded through this. It helps the authorities get a clear vision of where the development is, what can be its long-term goals and be responsible for its future resolutions. Worrell, L. (1998) Tools and techniques of strategic analysis: 4.1) Strategic Analysis: (Juce- Vicius, 1998) The concept of strategic analysis is defined as a method for carrying analysis on the ecology of the business under which various functions of the organization are conducted and plan for the strategies. The strategic analysis of an organization is accomplished to concentrate on various functions of the organization such as: Studying the requirement of the clients To thoroughly study the market To study the threats and competitors products and strategies Various tools and techniques are involved to determine the environment of the company through the following tools and techniques such as: 4.2) SWOT analysis: according to Craig Fleisher and Babette Bensoussan (Prentice Hall, 2002) the term SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This is considered as the basic tool in the strategy planning which help to scan the environment, to identify the external factors of the organization which can be overcome by proper planning. It helps to recognize the weak points and strengths i.e., internal factors of the organization. All these are planned strategically to achieve its future goals. This can be carried out as an element of strategic planning or as an independent aspect in the organization. This can be explained through the following figure: Figure No. : SWOT Analysis Ref: 4.3) PEST analysis: according to Jim Downey October 2007, the PEST analysis is similar to the SWOT analysis. This generally comprises issue of Political; Economical, Social and Technological aspects which are comprise all the external factors. Clear study is carried out to identify these factors and strategic plans are made. The following figure will explain the PEST analysis for an organization: Figure no. : PEST Analysis Ref: Goal grids: this type of tool helps to recognize its future goals and act upon it accordingly in a strategic approach. 4.5) Supply chain analysis: according to P. Mohan Chandra, the general supply chain management includes various aspects like stock managing, logistics management and acquisition and supplying or circulation. The following are considered to be other form of tools that also may help in studying the environment of the company: Porters five forces analysis: Michel E. Porter has developed this technique in the year 1979 which is a very aggressive method for estimating and appraising the viable strengths and the current position of the company in the market. This evaluation and estimation is possible for any company by assessing the 5 forces that explains the present situation and amount of antagonism of the commerce in the market. This concept will help to determine the power situating points in the organization. Hence this is a two fold estimation of current position of the company and helps in the strategical planning for the position to reach in the future. As it helps to assess the strength points of the company and souk, this may facilitate to overcome the weak points and drawbacks. Power of the dealer: this force will help to assess the features of various dealers and their strengths and weaknesses such as the quantity of dealers for every input, estimation of the service or product of dealers exceptionality, strong points and size of the dealer, the relative change in the price for changing from the current dealer to the other. Power of the Buyer: this force is employed to estimate the cost reduction for the buyers by employing the following factors such as the current market situation with figure of consumers, estimating the significance of the individual consumers of the company, the change in price for changing from one buyer to the other. Aggressive competition: this force is generally employed to estimate the aptitude and number of the opponents of the current souk along with analyzing the services and products of these competitors. Threat due to replacement products: the products which are a near replacement of an existing product may involve excessive risk and clients may prefer the product with lesser cost which may reduce the competitiveness of the company and power of the company in the souk. Threat due to fresh contestant: this force will be able to study the new entrants in to the souk who may in turn reduce the profitability of the preexisting company. This can be represented through the following figure: Figure no. : Porters Five Force Model Ref: 4.6) Value Chain Analysis: (Sigitas VaitkeviÄ ius, Gediminas Merkys, Asta SavaneviÄ ienÄ-, 2006) the concept of value chain analysis has been devised in the organizations to estimate the value produced by the organization to the consumers. For estimation and analysis of value chain, the internal aptitude of the company is assessed by parting various activities of the firm in to different clusters or groups. Examining and improving each cluster may raise the value which may assist to enhance the antagonism of the company through each raised value in the market. This analysis is carried out in 3 steps as follows: The first step may result in dividing the functions of the company in to two different sections such as principal activities that are directly involved in producing the product along with promotion, distributing the same to the clients and provide after sale sustainability. The remaining is considered to be secondary activities which may assist to perform the principle activities. The second step is to allocate price for each of these activities. This information will help to understand the interior potential for the management of the company that is treated to be an expensive insight. The last step is to determine the activities that are able to generate and improve the value by enhancing the fortification of the consumer and success in the souk. For this three main factors are considered to assess the function of each action of the value chain such as mission of the company and its functional undertakings of the operations, type of the organization and the system for the enhancement of value adopted by the company by studying the value inclusion by he downstream and upstream affiliates of the firm in dispersing the products to consumers. 4.7) Four Corners Analysis: Jim Downey October 2007 the concept of Four Corner Analysis has been fabricated by Michael Porter, which assists to study the rivals which may in turn acts as an aid for developing strategies for future of the company. The concept will useful for developing and altering the necessary changes in the strategic plans that may be devised by the rivals and triumphant steps followed by them, estimation of variable replies by each rival to react to that strategy. The changes in the environment and shifts of companies may also be studied through this technique. Generally in the organization this concept is overviewed and SWOT analysis is employed to determine and estimate the rivals strengths and weaknesses. But this may give a thorough analysis of the reaction that may follow by the rivals by studying the major functions such as motivations, actions, assumption of the management and the capabilities of the organization. This can be analyzed by the factors in the following figure which represents the Porters Four corner analysis: Figure no. : Porters Four Corner Analysis Ref: Jim Downey October 2007 Strategic Analysis Tools Topic Gateway Series No. 34 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Early Warning System: (Sigitas VaitkeviÄ ius, Gediminas Merkys, Asta SavaneviÄ ienÄ-, 2006) as the name implies this concept is employed to detect the warnings to the organization in advance and may also predict a suitable event which is very crucial for the company. These are considered to be the sources for the preliminary scenes to react for the opponents strategies. This comprises of the following 7 important factors such as: Defining the market: this will explain the scope of the organization such as geographical position, souk and brand etc. Open system: this will help to analyze the content about the rival in a broader way. Sorting out: based on the significance of the available data about the rivals may be screened and sorted based on the crucial necessities and act accordingly. Analytical aptitude: this will help to determine the way to be followed by the rival by building probable scenario and observe the signs for the preferred selection of any one of them out of the list. Interactive capability: this require well apposite group for attaining the signals to drive forward. Strategic planning: this will in turn explain the alterations in the current strategies followed by the organization according to the moves of the rival. Recurring methodology: this may considered as a cyclic method that may be repeated to stay up to date. Strategic Positioning of Mc Donalds: Company profile: Mc Donalds is considered to be the leading food chain company world wide and is prevailing brand globally at a rank of No. 8 in the world. It has a period of destruction which is considered to be due to unstrategical analysis followed in the company. But at present the analysis is satisfactory as the company again raise its share value and earnings. The following are few strategic approaches followed by the company which can be shown in the following figure: Figure no. : Strategic approach of Mc Donalds Ref: Phase No. 1: Vision/ Mission: the vision and mission of the Mc Donalds as part of the strategic positioning was established once the older one is accomplished for an effective positioning in the market. The vision at present is to be worlds best quick service of restaurant services by mixing various factors such as cost, quality, and products etc. development of new strategic planning for efficient expansion and attract the clients. The mission of the Mc Donalds company is to create a roadmap for the future of the company by increasing the share value of the company. Objective: the strategic objective is monitored in the Mc Donalds to pave enduring commerce positioning in its field of market and aggressiveness. Principles of strategic positioning: The following are considered to be various principles involved in the strategic positioning: Tactical formulation or conceptuation: strategical planning and strategical implementation as per strategy are assessed in this. Planning with future insight: the vision and mission for the next few years is planned in this segment. Variety in the style of thinking: aggressive thinking, risk taking capability, change management, thinking aptitude etc are commenced in to this. Power based techniques: this will include the requirement, geographical positioning, funds, asset values and strategic leadership etc. Ideas implemented in Mc Donald have to achieve strategic Positioning: Ries and Trout: it is considered to be resourceful work out performed by exploiting preexisting product of the company. Focusing on various factors such as brand expansion and interaction strategies are also considered to be a part of this. This will help to : existing place of the company is reinforced in the clients view untenanted place can be grabbed by commencing this technique This will decide the re-position and de-position of the company. This technique is very well executed in Mc Donalds which helped for strategic positioning of the company world wide. Treacy and Wiersema: it is a notion of discipline that shall be followed by the company. This is based on the different approach for providing unique services to the clients and also can introduce innovative product through strategic analysis and discipline that will improve the: Leadership in terms of product Excellence in terms of functioning Intimation with the consumers of the company. The strategic positioning of the Mc Donalds is as follows: Figure no. : positioning of various companies Ref: The positioning is achieved by the Mc Donalds due to its excellent insight for the consumers which has improved the superior decision taking ability by analyzing the trends, values, beliefs, attitudes and perception which helped to devise superior market panning, strategic marketing and introduction of novel food products in the market. Various concepts are being reviewed at every time such as: Segmentation of the customers Improving the satisfaction level of the customers Changing the menu as per the current demand Appraisal and evaluation. Continuous development of novel products and study various aspects such as acceptance from them, optimal features of the product, decision for embracing and falling from the product line etc. Mc Donalds strategically plans and implements timely introduction of novel products and services and takes various steps to improve the interaction with the clients. Hence the following can be considered as the main treasons for the effective strategic positioning of Mc Donalds: Cost leadership Innovation Thinking and acting differently by creating 24/7 availability of food items Effective expansion Providing eminent products with better service, value and cleanliness. Enhanced interaction Swift delivery with taste Availability of mobile restaurants 24/7. Consistent activity throughout value chain Periodical implementation of various tools and techniques such as SWOT, screening environment and souk, analysis of forecasting and scenario description Strategic group analysis, and value chain analysis is also considered to be a part of mc Donalds strategic positioning based on screening. The following figure may be helpful to explain the strategic positioning: Figure no. 3: Strategic position tools and techniques Ref: Phase No. 2: Strategic Analysis Tools and Techniques in Mc Donalds: Mc Donald makes a rigorous exploitation of the strategic analysis tools and techniques periodically to estimate the environment, its changes, to estimate the companys strategic position as well as opponents strengths and weaknesses. The following are some of the tools and techniques exploited by the Mc Donalds. SWOT analysis: this is carried to determine the internal environment of the company that include aspects such as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats which can be as follows: Strengths: the strengths of Mc Donalds is a global brand, global and domestic leader in the market, cost reduction and control of prices, economic growth on long term basis, superior real estate collections world wide, high accessibility, high recognition of brand, higher opportunities, able to attract all the ages of consumers, healthy environment, better generosity, strong promotion tactics, superior client service, high quality of product, interacting capability etc are considered to be it major strengths. Weaknesses: As every company has weaknesses, Mc Donald also holds weak points such as lack of clarity in the strategic direction, higher debts and feeble balance sheets, considered to have high overall costs, lack of core competencies, problems in internal functioning, poor R D, constricted line of products, deficiency of skills in promoting are few weaknesses. Opportunities: availing first 24/7 mobile restaurants and introduction of healthy hamburger is a great opportunity for the food chain expansion, ability to expand globally, increase the line of products, skill conversion in to the novel goods, taking over opponents, impeding affiliations, exploitation of innovative technologies and brand expansion. Threats: the potential threats of Mc Donalds are from fresh rival entry in the market, high priced regulations, vulnerability of the commerce operations, changes in the demography, reduced sales figure, higher no. of competitors, lower rate of growth etc are few threats faced by the company. PEST analysis: this will be able to explain the external environment of the company which also includes the factors such as political, economical, social and technological concerns of the company. Political: Mc Donalds have a considerable knowledge about the political situations of various nations where they function. The company is well organized to face any political concern Economical: it is considered to be economically stable both internally as well as the nation where they expand. Greater target of market, less cost with high earnings, concerns due to inflation is also economical factors faced by the company. Social: Mc Donald has a very aggressive reputation for its product and quality which is accepted in many social groups. As it is very tasty and natural ingredients are employed it has not many social concerns in the countries where it operate. Increased employability and working with various social groups can be observed in Mc Donalds. Technological: as Mc Donalds is known for the exploitation of innovative technology in the company. As the technical advancements takes place the Mc Donald will be able to procure and adapt to the changes of technologies to produce the products (Royle, T Towers. B, 2002). Porters five forces Plan: this is a crucial tool in strategic analysis which will explain the current position of the company in the market. Competition: Mc Donald is facing much competition from its rivals and thriving to with stand this competition to become no. 1. The new entrants now face hectic competence from Mc Donalds. It is able to surpass many food chains. Ease of entry: as the Mc Donalds is a global brand and well settled and recognized in various countries, the new entrants will face difficulty to enter and succeed. Substitutes: The companies face issues with the various substitutes offered by many companies. And with in the company varied range of products are being provided for a huge pick up for the consumers. Strength of the dealer: it is observed to have lesser strength of dealers in food and beverage industry. Strength of buyer: the buyers are also considerably having lesser strength in food industry. The other tool which tends to reposition Mc Donalds in a strategical approach is through effective value chain and inventory analysis. In Mc Donalds the analysis is made through effective inbound logistics where resources and inventory are assessed at every level of production and allocation, functioning activities which involve conversion of resources to final product, outbound logistics where the goods are distributed, sales and promoting to generate sales and client related services etc. Effectiveness of Tools and Techniques; the following are various tools and techniques exploited by Mc Donalds. The effectiveness of these tools and techniques can be observed in its financial record till date. It has been ranked worlds no. 8 position for global brand. Along with the following records: The net sales figure of Mc Donald is raised to 6.9% and the count of guests raised by 3.1% which was observed to be 6.8% and 3.8% in the previous year. The sales in the system has up surged by 11% Margins and other earnings received by the company are around 17.6% and margins due to franchisees are raised by 82.3% The share value is $3.76 which is considered to be raised by about 16% Cost allotted for operations is about $5.9 billion and expenditure of the capital is about $2.1 billion. Repurchasing of shares is implemented as part of commerce extension by $5.8 billion and enhanced dividend by $0.50 per share by 4th quarter. The current annual dividend rate is $2.00 per share. ROIIC of one year is 38.9% which was considered to be 37.5% the previous year. Strategic directions: the term strategic direction is defined as the course of action that is implemented by the company in order to achieve it goals and objectives. Any company will formulate vision and mission along with objectives as part of Strategic direction for the next few years. This can be a form of strategic planning for the development of the business. As discussed earlier Mc Donalds is keen to formulate vision and mission as per the strategic plan and attain it in a strategic approach. The inventory and resources are maintained and converted in to production along with distribution with controlled inventory process and value addition analysis. By effective exploitation of various technical advancements along with periodical exploitation of the strategic tools for estimation, the company is bale to achieve its vision and objectives. The following may few strategic directions for the company: Exploitation of technological advancement Innovative products introduction Better interactions with clients High quality and tasty products Good environmental experience Logistic analysis. Hence the future directions shall be in the form of healthy aspect of the food items produced by the company as it has observed drastical deduction in the year 2002 due to improper strategic plans and directions. The future plans shall be effective to stop repeating such thing again. Better decision making tactics and administration shall be implemented. Safety of the food Better analysis of risks such as assessment of issues Improved interactions and communicate about the chemical content and naturality to lighten the protest Improve significance Improve ethical values The issue concerned with the implementation of the above mentioned strategic direction may be arised due to the growing complexity of the company and hence collaboration shall be planned with in the individual franchisee or outlet level. Better risk management is difficult may be due to collaboration constraints, analysis shall be done to reduce the wastage which is considered to be criticism on the Mc D company for waste production inspite of recycling and overhead prices to the company. The sales can be improved by increasing the promotional value along with food safety logo along with better planning and better implementation part. Hence from the above it can be understood that with the growing complexity the strategic issues may be arised in the complex organization such as Mc Donalds hence, it should plan and execute the strategic planning separately for each outlet which will increase the scope for estimation of weak points and enhance them in to positives at each level to increase the value of the company. Presentation of the findings Hence from the above study it can be understood that strategic positioning is a concept earlier included as a part of marketing but from the past few decades it is treated separately and as a crucial concept in the organization. This concept involves a broad study about the target market, study about the clients and concept of service and enhances the strategies based on the findings to reposition or deposition the organization in the current market in a particular function. This will improve the service vision of the company. This concept involves a brief study about the capacity, inventory and demand, pricing, promotioning, control of utilization of resources etc can be estimated through this. This will help to estimate the position of the organization in the near future and system of realization can thus be assessed in divisional level of the firm. The study is made by connecting the concept in Mc Donalds to study the strategic position through various strategic analysis tools and techniques such as SWOT, PEST, Porters Five Force Analysis and Value Chain Analysis etc. As the strategies implemented by the Mc Donalds is very effective and under control, it has gained a global leader position on the factor of customer satisfaction. Conclusion: it can be concluded that, strategic position is a beneficial concept which when applied from various divisional level of the organization will increase productivity and profits to the organization which is observed in case of Mac Donalds.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Investegation Of Megnetic Fields :: essays research papers
The Investigation of Magnetic Fields. Introduction: We already know that the magnets have a magnetic field around them, which allows them to attract magnetic elements like iron. In this lab the magnetic field of a magnet will be investigated. By putting a thin layer of iron filings on the peace of plastic under which will be a magnet bar, we will be able to see this field. Purpose: To see the patterns of a magnetic field of a single magnet and fields of two magnets when they are put together in different positions. Materials: Page #369 in the textbook. Observations:           Discussion: 1.     A magnetic field is a field which is created by a magnetic substance, the field can either repel or attract. The iron filings showed the magnetic field lines because they are a magnetic substance and are attracted, (or) repelled by magnets. 2.     a) Usually the denser the magnetic field is, the stronger the magnetic field is, because the ends of the magnet, where the lines that represent the magnetic field are closest together, the magnetic field is strongest and where the this lines are farther apart, the magnetic field is weaker. B) The strongest point of a magnetic field is on poles of a magnet, the weakest point is in the middle between the two poles. That is because at the poles of the magnet there is only one pole either north or south and in the middle there are both of them and the cancel each other out. 3.     With different poles the filings make a circular shaped around the two poles and they connect between them, that shows that two different poles attract each other . with like poles the filings circle away from each other and form a diamond shape over the two poles. That shows that two like poles repel each other.
Functions of Human Resource Department Essay -- Employment Employee De
Functions of Human Resource Department One of the main functions of Human Resource Department is training and development beside recruitment, selection and placement. It isn’t enough to recruit employees into the skills or knowledge they currently posses, but rather for their ability to learn and adapt through training as conditions change or business needs. Employees are very important resources where some organizations assign huge budget to train them. However, this budget is taken out when organizations have financial problems. Here comes HR role to lighten top management that Training and Developing strategy is a vital investment to show commitment and ensure competency of employees’. Pfeffer references growing evidence that the loss of skills and increased use of contract employees have hurt productivity and even safety in organizations and industry (1998, P172). In this report we’ll talk about Training and Developing policy in UAE based company known as Tawteen. We’ll examine the effectiveness of this policy, describe its operation, show the policy outcomes and review the employees’ feedback on the policy. Before we go ahead with our analysis we should look at the policy in other regions rather than UAE. Also we’ll summarize an overview of our company and its internal operations to have a complete picture. Outside UAE: In USA we have â€Å"open career systems where individuals are given considerable freedom to manage their own careers. In such settings we find a chance to bid on jobs and training opportunities†(Towers 1996, p. 31) . However, Japanese companies operating in USA and UK â€Å"Job Training is typically provided internally, though at least in the early stages of operations there has been a tendency to buy-in managerial talent†(Towers 1996, p. 55). On the other hand, In European companies there is an â€Å"increase in training at all levels†. â€Å"Training and development is increasingly seen as a critical part of an organization’s HR strategy†(Towers 1996, p. 83). For example, in UK it is estimated that business spends 16 billion on training and developing their employees each year (Rana, 2000a). In UAE where business is growing very fast and we have huge number of skilful expatriates’ workers. Excluding enterprise companies, medium and small size companies don’t have training and development strategy. As ... ...ged and developed at work has major effects upon quality, customer service, organizational flexibility and costs’. By providing a framework for training and developing employees, Tawteen as a training and recruitment is contributing in the Emiratisation strategy by training UAE Nationals and maintaining the quality of training. References Bown B. 2000, Recognizing and Rewarding Employees, McGraw-Hill, New York. Harrison R. 1992, Employee Development, IPD, London. Laila Murad, HR Officer in Tawteen, Dubai, 2005 Marchington M. & Wilkinson A. 2003, 2nd Edition, People Management and Development. , Chartered Institute of Personal and Development (CIPD House), London. Pfeffer J, 1998, The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First, Harvard Business School, Boston. Rana E. 2000, ‘IIP revamp aims to cut back on bureaucracy’, People Management, 13th April 2000, P14. Saif Sultan, System trainer in Tawteen, Dubai, 2005 Sanders D. 2000, ‘The Pros and Cons of Computer based learning’, Employee Development Bulletin 123, March 2000, P6-8. Towers B. 1996, 2nd Edition, The Handbook of Human Resource Management, Blackwell Business, Oxford.
Friday, July 19, 2019
My Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy :: Education Teaching Teachers Essays
My Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy Throughout my life I have had mentors, mentors that I have looked up to and admired, those mentors have been teachers. As long as I have remembered I have wanted to be a teacher. How could you not want to experience the joy of helping a child grow up in to adults? Being in the education profession will be very trying, but if I can just influence one person it will be worth it all. Influence is a very powerful thing, teachers know how to use influence to their advantage. I am hoping that through observations of classrooms and the education classes here at Concord that I will learn how to be a teacher and not just dream about it. A teacher is a very prestigious career to strive for. You have to be able to deal with every thing all at once and make it work. You can’t worry about what you are dealing with in your own life, when you are at school you are in the kid‘s lives. Kids go through many obstacles; therefore, they need a person who will listen and be there for them. Sometimes a teacher is the only role model that a child has to look up to. I want to be that person. After I graduate from Concord with a bachelors in elementary education, I hope to obtain my masters before I start teaching. When I begin teaching, my goal is to teach Kindergarten at a public school in the area. I believe in the essentialism philosophy to a degree. I think that teachers should instruct the â€Å"essentials†of the academics. I think that teachers should incorporate more traditional thinking in their lessons. I would even like schools to have uniforms for students to wear. I think that uniforms set everyone on the same level to learn, so they are not worried about what everyone is wearing. The essentialism philosophy focuses on academics first and they disagree with
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Law and People Settings Essay
1.1 A duty of care in my own role is a legal obligation on me requiring me to adhere to a reasonable standard of care while performing acts of care. 1.2 I have a legal and professional duty of care. If I was to neglect someone and this caused them harm then a court of law could find me negligent and stop me working in care or impose sanctions on me and this is how duty of care contributes to safeguarding individuals. 2.1 There are a few potential dilemmas that can arise in care work for example individual’s rights, a person’s individual rights and dignity should be respected at all times so in a end of life situation I may wish to administer lifesaving support but can only do this with the individuals consent. Another example is if a carer does not believe in organ transplantation or blood transfusion because of their culture they would still be required to support a client who had been prescribed this type of treatment. 2.2 Conflicts and dilemmas should be dealt with by the most senior manager in charge at that time. The person in charge may delegate responsibilities to carers if appropriate but they will first identify and assess the issues and devise strategies to deal with them. 2.3 To get advice and support about conflicts and dilemmas you can talk to managers, senior carers, social workers, registering authority and other colleagues. CT236 Principles for implementing duty of care in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings. 3.1 In the event of a complaint I would follow procedures and try and put the matter right. Ask for the complaint to be put into writing to help us avoid the same situation arising again and look into the complaint thoroughly, fairly and honestly. Dealing with it with confidentiality and politely. Give an apology if required and explain how the situation will be put right. 3.2 Agreed procedures for handling complaints are to deal with the complaint fairly, honestly, confidentially, promptly and resolve the issues effectively and appropriately.
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